Not Yet | 10 |

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~Jimin's POV~

As I walk into the practice room I walked into a sea of scent that included sweat and hard work. I look over to see five of the members who were all laughing and joking around. "Where's Yoongi?" I ask, looking around to see if he was hidden behind someone.

"He's in the recording studio. He say he'd be on his way an hour ago, can you go collect him for us?" Namjoon threw up his hands to beg me to go.

"Sure," I say smirking. "What's in it for me?"

"You get to stare at Yoongi on the way back." Jungkook told me, making me slightly blush.

"Yah!" I yelled. "I don't need that! Stop making me seem like a creep Kookie!" I turn around and run out of the door and make my way to Yoongi.


"Yoongi?" I knock on the white door, getting a hesitated answer. "Come in!" Yoongi yelled, so I twisted the handle and slightly peeked in and then walked in after seeing that he was sitting at the computer on his music software.

"Yoongi we needed you for practice an hour ago." I state as I sat on the small couch that was sat in the corner of the room. Yoongi facepalmed and saved his music, then slowly exited out of his software and turned in his chair to finally look at me.

"Sorry, I got into the music. I didn't notice the time.." He looked at the ground and rubbed the back of his head, with a barely noticeable red face as he hit his lip. "Let me just grab my stuff and we can go." He said as he stood up to walk towards me. I look to my right and see his phone that he was about to reach for. I grab his phone quickly and I held it to my chest as he looked at me confused.

"You can have it if you can get it from me." I giggled and I turned around on the couch to face it, pushing my body into the soft cushion. I suddenly felt a hand grab me and turn me so that I was lying on the couch face up. Yoongi got on top of me with both legs on each side of me as he grabbed my hands and forced them above my head. I look at Yoongi as he looks back at me.

For a second I thought he was doing this to be all risky and sexy and all, which I wouldn't mind, but then he suddenly started to tickle me all over, making me squeal and causing his phone to fall out of my hand and onto the cushion. He grabbed it and stood next to me as my laughing died down. He looked down at me and then he smiled a gummy smile.

"I got it, didn't I?" He said to me as I slowly rolled off of the couch.

"Sadly Yes," I stated. "But next time you won't stand a chance."

"Do you know who you're messing with?"

"The big bad wolf that blew down the piggies houses?" I sarcastically and innocently say to him.

"Ha Ha Ha," Yoongi rolls his eyes and opens the door to leave. "Veeery funny- little baby"

"Hey!" I run to catch up to him. "I told you I am not a baby!"


Me and Yoongi finally reach the practice room and we walk in to see the others already dancing and sweating.

"Where have you two been?"

"Took you long enough."


Everyone hit us with complaints all at once. We hadn't even took that long, only thirty minutes, and they're already on my ass.

"You're the one who told me to go!" I defend myself. "I could've just left Yoongi, but he's a part of us and so I had to drag his precious soul here."

"Gee thanks." Yoongi rolls his eyes at me again and walks over to get in his position.

About an hour later, we were doing a part of our choreography that was kind of difficult and causes me to stumble a lot, and I'm trying to get a hang of it. I jump up and accidentally land on Tae's foot, causing me to fall back. I close my eyes to get ready for the impact and possible concussion about to come, but instead I feel a pair of hands grab onto my waist and pull me back up.

"Be careful baby, you're gonna get hurt." I hear Yoongi say as I open my eyes and turn around, I see him staring at me with a worried face. What did he just call me?

"Baby?" Hoseok asks Yoongi and the others look confused too, including me who was confused and a blushing mess.

"I-I meant- I call him a baby," Yoongi let go of me and backed up, leaving me empty and no longer warm. "I didn't mean to actually call him baby." He looked away and rubbed his neck and obviously blushed.

"It's okay," I say as I walk towards him and smile at him happily. "I like the name, I feel special. Especially coming from you. I mean- I- you just never really have given me a nickname and I liked it, that's all." I blush even more and look over at Jin for him to rescue me, but he just shrugs and chuckles.

"Okay," Taehyung comes over and puts his arms around both me and Yoongi. "This is officially my new favorite couple."

"But they're not a couple?" Namjoon says and Tae laughs and looks over at him.

"Not yet." He smiles a boxy smile and then leads us to all get back in positions to dance. Me and Yoongi are still red, but the practice must go on.

Man this story needs to get better like wtf am I doing

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