Wolves | 20 |

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Get ready-

~Yoongi's POV~

After everyone ate their food, I decided to go outside to get fresh air. It's been a while since I just wondered around the woods freely. I've been busy lately, but at the moment I have free time. Maybe a little stroll in the woods won't hurt.

I walk over sticks and leaves and in between trees until I finally get a decent walk through the woods to change completely. I look around to make sure nobody had followed me or knew that I was here before changing into my wolf form. I could see some of my black silky fur, and I felt so much more free being a wolf.

I don't usually turn into my wolf form. My mother used to tell me scary stories about werewolves who had been captured and shot or attacked by other packs and I just never thought I could handle it. So- I just never really dealt with this side of me. I got into music instead. I wrote my stress away.

The only time I usually turn is when I'm stressed and need to be stress relieved or when I absolutely have to. Just like when I had to when Jimin and I were attacked. I wonder how terrified he was when he saw everything go down. I shouldn't have been so fierce with the other wolf. I should've thought about Jimin's feelings, but we were attacked and I wasn't going to let anyone hurt Jimin.

I walk over to a creek and I sit down next to it. I hear the stream of water running over rocks and I suddenly hear leaves being crunched in the distance but not too far away. Is that a person? I start hearing a lot more leaves crunch. No.. that's more than one person.

I start sniffing to see if they were familiar people and I can't smell any scent besides one.

The the wolf I attacked the other day.

Is he with his pack? Why is he back? Is he back for me? Shit. I stand up on my feet and I try to quietly walk away or hide but before I can, I hear the sounds of footsteps grow rapid and I try to turn around and look at the cause of the sound, but before I can I am tackled to the ground.

I could feel the sharp pain in my leg that started pouring blood. One of the wolves had bit me. I turn around and try to fight back, but I realize that there are three of them. One of them is just sitting there watching as the other two attack me viciously. I'm guessing he's the one I attacked the other day judging by the bite marks on his neck.

I'm so screwed. I'm going to die..

I bit one of the wolves on the leg and he growled at me and then scratched me deeply, making even more blood gush out of my body. One wolf was holding me down about to attack me when they were suddenly pushed off of me, being knocked out of breath and bumped into a tree. The other two wolves winced once they saw another wolf. They weren't expecting anyone else to be around, and I didn't expect it either.

If I wasn't pouring blood like a water faucet, I wouldn't be so dizzy and I would be able to see who my savior is. I couldn't see much, it was all just a blur before I slowly turned into human form and completely passed out and couldn't hear or see a thing.


~Jimin's POV~

I was just closing the front door to the house when I suddenly heard Mia screaming my name. She had been outside for about twenty minutes just to go get her phone that she left in her car, so I was on my way to see if she was okay. It doesn't usually take people twenty minutes to get something, so I thought she had left because she didn't like us or something. I thought maybe Yoongi had ran her off by the cold looks he gave her.

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