Shaving Tips 🌸

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Shaving any part of your skin can be challenging, since each area presents its own set of problems. Despite these challenges, we all know that a botched shaving job can lead to irritated skin in very awkward places! Even without any serious nicks or scrapes, razor burn, bumps, rashes and irritation are so real. This holds especially true for bikini and underarm areas, where the skin is extra sensitive and delicate.

1. Exfoliate For A Great Shave.

Always, always exfoliate your skin before shaving, or once a week at the very minimum. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells that might be matting down hair and blocking your razor's path. Plus, it fluffs up and exposes new, smaller hairs.

2. Swap Your Shaving Cream For Shaving Oil.

Because the skin under your arms is so sensitive, it's important to use a shaving oil that moisturizes when shaving—not a regular soap or body wash, which can dry out your skin. When you do this, remember to clean your razor more frequently. Oil allows for a closer shave, which means more sediment build-up in your razor.

3. Choose a Razor with the Correct Number of Blades.

Did you know that you can only cut hair 2 to 3 times per shave session? Razors with more than 4 blades (the norm these days) don't actually give a closer shave, but can lead to irritation because the 5th and 6th blades begin to scrape away the upper layers of your skin. Try using a razor with less blades, the
enhanced glide along with less blades will leave your skin feeling less ouch and more ahhhh.

4. Steer Clear of Sores and Cuts.

This is a given, but ensure that you shave around any existing sores or cuts that haven't healed yet in order to prevent skin infections. There's nothing sexy about Staph!

5. Do it in the Shower.

The moisture in the shower softens hair making it easier to shave—but don't wait too long. Ideally, you'll want to begin shaving after 3-4 minutes, when the benefit of the water's moisture is optimal. After about ten minutes, the heat of the shower can make your skin swell, preventing the close shave that you want.

6. Focus the Water Stream on The Area You're Shaving.

Water can serve as extra lubrication. #TheMoreYouKnow

7. Be Gentle.

After shaving, don't exfoliate—and avoid using washcloths or loofahs for 24 hours. The tugging at newly shaven skin can cause major irritation and even lead to redness and bumps. Yikes!

8. Your Clothes Can Affect Your Shave.

If you have sensitive skin, tight shirts made of materials that don't breathe well can trap sweat, promote bacterial growth and lead to irritated underarms, legs and bikini area. Looser clothes made of natural fibers like cotton are your post-shave BFF.

9. Find the Best Shaving Products for You.

Like any beauty product, it's always good to know what works for your skin. If you have sensitive or dry skin prone to irritation, stay away from products that contain alcohol or soap.

10. Shave At Night.

If you shave at night, right before bed, you're unlikely to be running around. Less sweat right after shaving means fewer bacteria getting into cuts, which equals less chance of irritation. By the time morning comes around, your skin will have healed.

11. Do it Daily.

The more often you shave, the better you'll become at shaving your specific curves and those tricky areas. Like anything, practice makes perfect. And let's be honest, when your skin feels silky smooth, you feel sexy. So shave every day — using an all natural shaving oil to protect skin from irritation of course.

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