Treat Yo Self 💅🏽

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26 Ways To Pamper Yourself

1. Get a massage.

2. Get a mani-pedi.

3. Get a facial.

4. Book a night at a fancy hotel. Take a bubble bath, order room service, and watch a movie.

5. Buy the prettiest flowers from a florist, go home and make yourself a bouquet to admire all week.

6. Take the afternoon off of work, grab that book you've been wanting to start, head to your favorite park, and spend several hours reading it.

7. Get a blowout.

8. Go to the local ice cream parlor and indulge in an ice cream cone or sundae.

9. Buy that piece of artwork you've been lusting after for months.

10. Throw a "me" party by yourself at home. Make your favorite cocktail, turn up your favorite song, and dance around the house.

11. Splurge on expensive skincare products.

12. Buy that new pair of boots you've been wanting.

13. Sign up for that calligraphy class you've been wanting to take.

14. Open a bottle of Champagne and drink the entire thing just because.

15. Buy a new lipstick or nail polish.

16. Go to your favorite restaurant and enjoy a meal all by yourself. Get the wine pairings if they have them.

17. Order a pizza, open a bottle of red wine from your cellar, and binge-watch that trashy TV show you've been thinking about starting.

18. Make your favorite dish (pasta, steak, roast chicken, macaroni and cheese) for dinner.

19. Go to the fancy coffee place and order a full-fat espresso drink.

20. Walk someplace where you'll have a great view of the sunset. Bring a blanket and watch the day turn into night.

21. Take a nap!

22. Go to your favorite deli, order your favorite sandwich, and have it for lunch someplace outside.

23. Buy yourself some new lingerie.

24. Hire someone to clean your house.

25. Visit that museum exhibit you've been wanting to check out.

26. Sleep in, and get your makeup done by a professional.

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