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THE TALES OF Chase's little early morning streak spread like wild fire through the school

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THE TALES OF Chase's little early morning streak spread like wild fire through the school. There was no surprise really and it made me laugh everytime I heard girls giggling about it in the bathrooms.

I could feel the vibrations of my phone in my jacket pocket as I pushed through a crowd of students on my way to the Gymnasium. I reach inside the pocket and retrieve the device.  I smile when I read the name of the caller, my heart instantly warming.

"Hey, mom." I greet into the phone.

"Oh my, darling. I haven't heard your voice in eons, how are you?" She exclaims, her voice light and happy as always. I hadn't spoken to her since the first day I arrived here. My mom and I are extremely close, and not speaking to her for over a week felt really weird.

"I'm great, but the more important question is how are you feeling?" I question into the phone, side stepping a few people through the crowded halls. It was always the most imporatnt question when ever she called.

"I'm good, Hay. I'm really good." She answers and she genuinely sounded happy. I smile into the phone. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. I sent a package to you not long ago with a few more necessities like underwear, socks and a few books I thought you'd enjoy reading. I also added a few of those polaroid pictures you used to take so you can put them up on your wall like those girls do from pintwitter or whatever it's called."

I laugh as I adjust the strap of my bag on my shoulder, "Thanks Mom."

I feel the weight of an arm around my shoulder and glance up, slightly startled, at Noah who was grinning down at me.

"Who's that?" He questions queitly, his eyes glancing at the phone pressed to my ear.

"My mom." I tell him, moving the phone away from my mouth slightly.

"Oh." Noah nods before, "Hi Hayden's mom!"

"Sorry, that was just Noah." I apologise to my mother's ears through the phone, knowing they had just been bombarbed with Noah's loud voice.

"He sounds lovely." Mom replies while giggling slightly, "Well, I'll let you go. I'll call you later."

"Okay." I breathe heavily, "I love you, Mom."

"Love you too, my sweet darling." She replies before I hang up, sliding my phone into the pocket of my denim jacket and glance to my other side to see Levi walking beside me. He gives me a small smile, almost nonexistent but I'm still counting it.

"You missed something extraordinary just before, Hay." Noah starts as Levi rolls his eyes and groans, "Levi actually apologised to a girl who he ran into by mistake."

"Wow, great job Levi!" I congratulate him as we high-five like total dorks. But Levi apoligising was worth celebrating, weirdly enough.

"Well, he kinda screamed it and scared the girl shitless but still." Noah shrugs with a proud little grin as Levi glances down at his black doc martins. Levi was the only one of the trio to have the best fashion sense which Noah strongly disagrees with.

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