t w e n t y f i v e

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"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" Noah rambles as we sprint across the parking lot, our shoes slapping against the wet tarmac

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"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT!" Noah rambles as we sprint across the parking lot, our shoes slapping against the wet tarmac. "I told you we were going to die! Fuck, Chase is going to kill me. Like actually murder me. Why did you fall into the ring Hayden? Why?" 

"It's not like I did it on fucking purpose!" I shout over my shoulder at him before I pause, halting suddenly and glance at the array of cars, "Wait, shit, where did you park?" 

"I parked over there—uh—no, it was over there. Ah, fuck" Noah mutters, huffing as he spins around, glancing over the cars. 

As I'm gazing over the parking lot, I spot a familiar face exiting the old building and my eyes widen. 

"Quick, hide!" I whisper as I yank on the arm of Noah's coat pulling him down behind the metallic cover of the vehicle. Noah presses his back to the door and glances at me widely. 

"Um, ow!" Noah exclaims as i quickly slap my hand over his mouth, trying not to give our location away. 

"If you don't want to die, I suggest you stay hidden and quiet." I hiss quietly as I glance around frantically, "I think you parked over there, let's go." 

We stay crouched, holding onto different cars to keep our balance as we shuffle to where I hope as hell Noah's car was situated. We navigated the maze of vehicles, turning and twisting as we tried to keep low and out of sight. 

Somehow we managed to find Noah's electric blue jeep and with the target in sight, I raise to my feet like an olympic sprinter. Except I didn't get far. A body appears out of nowhere, latching their hands onto my upper arms as I crash into there chest. I pull back, rim rod straight and glance up at said body's face. 

I grin sheepishly, "Oh, hey Everett. Funny seeing you here." 

"Don't be cute, Jones." He grunts, incredibly unamused as he glares down at me, "Why are you here?" 

"Why is anyone here, Everett? Let's just get deep for a hot second and question the meaning of life—" 

Chase rolls his eyes and sighs, looking from me to Noah, "Did you bring her here?" 

"Me? Of course not. Why on earth would I do that? Preposterous! I'm actually really offended that you'd think that low of me Chase." Noah scoffs dramatically before pausing. Then he smiles and squeaks softly, "Please don't kill me." 

"You could've gotten yourself killed, Jones." Chase huffs as he drops his hands and steps back. He was still shirtless and shoeless, his sweat and dried blood glistening in the dim street lamps. How the fuck was he not freezing right now? 

"Well I didn't ask to be pushed into the middle of your fight." I shrug as I fold my arms, "I was worried okay?" 

And the asshole has the audacity to smirk. 

"Don't look at me like that. I told you to lay off the fighting and of course, in true asshole manner, you didn't listen. And then I find you here, one punch away from a hospital bed." I explain, gesturing manically to the building behind us. I drop my arms and stare at him for a moment or two, "Turn around." 

"What?" Chase snorts with a confused frown. 

"I said turn around." I order, gently holding his shoulders and turning him around. I gasp slightly at the massive rede mark splattered across his back. 

"Bro..." Noah mutters from behind, "It's like a fucking tomato."

"Thank you Noah for that lovley analogy." I retort sarcastically and I glance at him over my shoulder. He grins at me as I ignore him and turn back to Chase. Slowly, I run my fingertips over the red skin gently, noticing as goosebumps appear in the wake of my touch. I bite my lower lip, trying to hide my smile.

"Oh my god! Chase are you okay?"I hear the rabid mating call of an ostrich echo across the parking lot, only to realise that it was Lea's voice. We all turn around watching as her and her two friends rush towards us. I drop my hand and start forward towards her. 

"You fucking bitch. It was you, wasn't it?" I accuse her as i point a stern finger at her. She stops suddenly like a deer caught in headlights. "You pushed me into the fight." 

"Why would I do that? And besides, I wasn't even standing near you, Hayden." Lea defends innocently, placing a stupid hand to her stupid chest. 

"I hope you choke on the bullshit you talk." I growl before I feel hands wrap around my shoulders holding me back. Chase manoeuvres me so he was in front and I was tucked behind him. "Everett what are you doing? Just let me rip one of those fake extensions of her head."  

"Jones, no." 

"What if I break her nose? Just a little?" 

"I'd like to see you try, bitch." Lea cackles as I jump forward but Chase turns around, pushing me further back. 

"Calm down there, Rocky." Chase chuckles lightly as I glare up at him in what probably was the most unthreatening way. Chase then turns around to face Lea, "I suggest you three girls leave and head back to Caldwell. It's not safe here." 

"But Chase—" 

"Now, Lea." Chase demands in a tone that even had me kinda scared. Lea and her friends turn without another word and walk away. I watch them and as if feeling my stare, Lea glances over her shoulder at us. I take it as an opportunity to poke my tongue out at her. Extremely childish but it was the closest to kicking her ass as I could. 

When they were gone we turn as well and head to Noah's jeep. 

"I've been doing this for a while, Jones." Chase explains as I glance up from the wet ground to him, "I can handle myself."

"I know but...." I stare into his hazel eyes and there was so much I wanted to say in that moment. But all my trembling lips could muster was, "You're a fucking pain in my ass, Everett, because you always make my worry." 

Nailed it. 

Both Chase and Noah burst into laughter as Noah rounds his Jeep and unlocks it. I open the passenger door and slide in. When I turn to put on my seatbelt, I notice Chase standing outside. 

"You better fucking wake me when you get back." I demand as I buckle myself in. 

Chase smiles as he places one hand on the door and the other gives me a two finger salute, "Aye, aye, captain." 

He then closes my door and steps back as Noah turns on the ignition and the car rumbles to life underneath us. Noah reverse out of the park and I watch through the foggy windows as Chase gives a small wave before Noah pressed on the accelerator and gets us the hell out of there. 

anyone else wanna join hayden's committee to kick lea's ass? 

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anyone else wanna join hayden's committee to kick lea's ass? 

she most certainly will create one at Caldwell, no questions asked. 

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