•If you did it once, you'll do it again•

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We sit there and watch the men play pool for a while. After that I see Adam coming close to me.
"Sorry Lara, but I have to borrow your cousin for a little."he tells Lara letting the cue stick down.
"Wait, where?" I ask him.
"I need to give you a tour of the hotel, hermosa. You are a vulture now."he says bending over me to get his drink.
He goes to put his jacket and then checks his phone.
"Hermosa?" Lara asks me.
"I don't even know what that means." I tell as she drinks the last sip of my drink.
"Beautiful." Lara says looking at me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Hermosa means beautiful. I think he is in love with you." she says.
"We just met."I tell her.
"At least you think he's hot right?" Lara asks me.
"I mean..." I say seeing him coming towards us.
"Come on." he says.
I get up, say goodbye to Lara then follow him. We get out of the bar and go to a hidden elevator.
"Where are we going?" I ask him.
"Right now, hermosa, we are going in what we call 'the basement'."he says pressing the button with a -0 on it.
"So you think I'm beautiful?"I say smirking at him.
"Of course. I didn't mean to respond that fast, but yeah. Why do you ask me that?"he says.
"Hermosa says something to you?" I respond sassy.
The elevator stopped and we both got out of it. In front I see a giant hall and so many doors.
"When I call you hermosa I mean it."he says starting to walk.
I just gave him a smirk and moved on.
"So you are Ana's brother. You guys look like twins."I say looking at the fancy doors.
      "Well, everyone tells us this, but no. I am one year older than her."he says getting close to me.
All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing . I get it out of my back pocket and I look at the screen.Aysha, my best friend was calling me.
      "Hi bitch. What's up?" Aysha asks me.
      "Hi bitch. I'm good. What's up?"I ask her.
      "You won't believe who asked about you today."she says angry.
I could feel Adam having his eyes on me.
      "Who?"I ask.
      "Hunter. He asked me why you haven't shown up to school the past few days." Aysha says.
      "Well, tell him to fuck off. He doesn't fucking understand that I don't want the same thing to happen again." I say screaming at the phone.
Right now Adam was getting close and close too me.
      "Aysha, I have to go, I'll call you later. Bye, I love you." I tell her
     "Don't think about that. I love you too."she says.
I hung up the phone and turned around and Adam was standing there looking at me.
     "Who was that?"he asks me.
     "My best friend. She told me that my ex was asking about me at college."I told him while I put my phone in my pocket.
     "So, who's this ex of yours?" Adam asks me.
     "His name is Hunter. He had this thing...I.. I'm sorry. A lot happened." I try telling him.
He puts his hands over my shoulders and together we start walking.
      "What did he do? He forced you.. ."he asks me.
      "Do you really want to know?" I ask him.
     "Who would hurt you, hermosa?"he says looking at me.
      "He had this thing with alcohol. Let's just say that he beat me up 1 time until I fainted. I got to the hospital and after I got out I broke up with him. Since then he tries to make things work but, if you did it once, you'll do it again." I tell him.
      "But why? I don't understand why?"he says as we stop.
     "We started arguing over a stupid reason and then he beat me up. I gave him a black eye and some bruises but after that he saw he couldn't handle it. He hit me with a bottle of wine. That's why I got to the hospital." I tell him.
      "You know what, let's not talk about this anymore. So let me show you this room where we keep every shipment that we send and receive." Adam says.
He starts showing me around. I think 2 hours pass by and we get back to the elevator. We get the elevator up and go to a hall that took us to the lobby.
He stopped me and looked me in my eyes and then out of nowhere he gets me up, pushes me to the wall and starts kissing me. He picked me up like I weighted nothing. I don't know if he expected me to pull back, but even if I wanted to I couldn't.

I started kissing her hoping that she wouldn't pull back. To my surprise she didn't. Her lips were so soft and you could feel she wanted to kiss me. She starts running her hands through my hair witch makes me want to kiss her more. We both stop, look both ways and start laughing.

After the kiss we get out of the hotel and get to his car.
      "So now where are you taking me?" I ask him.
      "I've heard this question like, maybe more than 5 times today." Adam says as he starts driving.
      "Then i guess I just have to wait and see."I tell him.
      "You learn quick. I like that, hermosa." Adam says throwing be that sexy smirk again.
After that he drives to this abandoned parking spot that was in the middle of nowhere.
      "So now what are we gonna do?"I ask him getting out of the car.
     "You will drive, hermosa."he says throwing me the car keys.
    "You don't know what you got yourself into." I say getting in the car.
    "I'm here to find out so show me what you got."he tells me.
After he tells me that I look straight in his eyes then turn the car on and start driving around in circles.
    "Can I drift?"I ask him.
    "Can you?"Adam asks me.
When I heard his words I just put the car on reverse and get back a little than I press de pedal and start going faster and faster then I started drifting. We did maybe, 3 circles then I stopped.
     "Impressive, hermosa.Now drive wherever you want."he tells me.
I stay and think a little then I start driving.
After a while I feel his hand pulling one string of hair that was in my face at the back of my ear.
We get to this bowling place that I used to go too.
      "So?"I ask.
      "I like bowling. Let's get inside."he says wrapping his hand around my shoulders.
We enter and go to pay than we start playing.
      "You're really good at this." Adam tells me.
      "I used to come here a lot."I tell him as I throw the bowling ball.
We stay there for an hour playing and making goofy jokes.
We were sitting down on a couch that was facing the entrance door. As I put my Pepsi down I see a familiar face entering the building.
      "Not him again." I say rolling my eyes.
      "Who?"says Adam looking at me.
       "You see that guy that just entered? That Hunter." I say.
      "If that's so then....." Adam says wrapping his hand over my shoulders again and pulling me closer to him.
      "Should we go? I don't want to see his face again." I tell Adam.
I stop for a second and look deep in his eyes and you could see fire in them while he was looking at Hunter.
      "Oh,trust me, he won't see your face."Adam say as he grabs my head and start kissing me again. To go with it I close my eyes and don't pull from the kiss. He finishes kissing me and we get up and go to return the shoes. I'm surprised Hunter didn't come to us, but I'm also happy he didn't.
We return the shoes and get to the car. I got into the passenger seat as I see Adam go to the drivers seat and turns the car on.

To be continued ...
Authors note: Hi guys. I am sleepy as fuck. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. Bye. Ily.

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