Chapter 6

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I'm not gay, I told myself as I dressed up. I couldn't be.

 Besides, I'm not even sure Covey is gay. Yeah, right. I felt angry at myself for how turned on I felt. At my body for responding the way it did. For feeling the way I did.

Placing my hand at either side of my dresser I inhaled deeply before walking out of the dorm. On entering the cafeteria I immediately caught sight of Covey, seated at a table surrounded by friends. Some of them I recognized from the party. I guessed it was better than being alone with Covey, especially after the events that had taken place a few minutes ago.

"Hey Lara Jean!"

I turned round coming face to face with Cameron.

"Hey," I said smiling genuinely at him. Cameron was in a number of my classes and we had become friends this past week.

"So um..." Cameron scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "I've got an extra ticket to see a movie tomorrow and I was thinking maybe you'd want to go with me?"

I stared at him blankly for a moment before realizing that he was asking me on a date.

Instantly my mind flew to Covey and I felt guilty. But why was I feeling guilty? He was a sweet guy asking me on a date and I'm not gay.

"Sure." I replied, flashing him a big smile before I could change my mind.

The smile was instantly mirrored on Cameron's face.

"Okay, I'd see you then." He mumbled, throwing me a cheeky wink.

I watched Cameron wave and walk away before I went back to getting my breakfast. Afterwards, I headed to the table Covey was seated on with her friends.

She was already staring at me as I approached and she had a weird look on her face, I couldn't quite place it.

"Hey LJ!" one of Covey's friends, Clary yelled as I approached beckoning me over to a free seat.

LJ? When had that happened?

I suddenly felt self conscious as all the other heads whipped to me. I felt odd, how Covey's little group of friends seemed to have taken me in. I kind of felt like a burden, like Covey was just being nice to me because she felt sorry for me.

"Hello." I mumbled to the group, keeping my eyes on my food.

"You must be starving." A lanky boy with brown hair said.

I wasn't really. I just pretended to be really engrossed in my food so they would stop bugging me. I squirmed under the pressure of their eyes staring at me.

Eventually they all went back to their conversation and I glanced up. Covey who was sitting across from me was staring intently at me. This girl and staring.

"What?" I asked.

I must admit, it came out a whole lot harsher than intended. I almost felt bad but remembered earlier this morning. I remembered her eyes lingering over me and the feel of her finger against my skin. For some reason, I felt even angrier.

Don't pretend like you didn't like it. A voice in my head said, which I ignored.

"Nothing Princess", Covey replied, amused nonetheless. I scowled but it just seemed to amuse her even more.

Hey kids (:

Author here, I just want to thank those of you that are reading this for even giving this book a chance.

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