Chapter 14

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"Finally." Mark said once he opened the door revealing Covey and I standing there guiltily.

He rolled his eyes but didn't seem pissed at all. "Come on in, everybody is here already. We're having dinner in a few."

I walked in with Covey right behind me. Music was blaring from the speakers, the house which had just been filled with Covey, Mark and I now hosted up to fifteen human beings.

"Most of these are my cousins and a few people from my dad's work." Covey whispered into my ear behind me. I nodded desperately trying not to visibly shiver from her warm breath.

Covey began introducing me to her cousins, they were all boys and the youngest was in his mid twenties. Needless to say we were the only ones in our age group but Covey seemed to get along with them just fine. Of course she did, it was Covey.

"Dinner time!" I heard Mark's voice yell and everyone began filling into the small dining room.

I found myself internally wondering how everybody was going to fit around the table, nevertheless it seemed to work out just fine.

"Before we start." Mark announced standing up with a wine glass in his hand, "I just want to say how thankful I am for each and everyone on this table. Especially Lara-Jean for coming into my beautiful daughter's life."

All at once all eyes were on me and in my usual manner, I squirmed. I locked eyes with Covey who was sitting across for me and she had her usual intense stare in her eyes. She smiled at me and I felt warm inside.

Then everyone around us started cheering. A wine bottle was popped open and everybody began digging into the food.

Mark was an amazing cook to say the least, and I told him time and time again. He was literally glowing with happiness.

I was so stuffed after dinner, but I was happy. Happier than I had been in a long time.


I was sitting on the couch in the living room, talking to some of Covey's cousins but for the most part just watching as everything went on around me. I loved the atmosphere. And I smiled watching Mark and one of his colleagues laugh at a lame joke he told.


I turned around and Covey was there, smiling down at me with an arm extended out.

"Come on, the fireworks are about to start."


I smiled, taking her hand, letting myself be engulfed in the warmth I had grown to love. The night was windy and I stood there with my hands in Covey's. Things were so comfortable.

The fireworks began to go off and people gave shouts of appreciation, I smiled leaning my head into Covey's shoulders as we watched. At some point Covey turned me around so I was facing her, I could see the fireworks going off from the corner of my eyes.

Her gaze was its usual intensity. Reaching down to me, her lips locked with mine. I closed my eyes and let myself be absorbed. Our lips moving together in sync: slowly but surely. Everything was beautiful. Covey was beautiful. This moment was beautiful. Maybe I did like girls. I knew for a fact I liked Covey at least, but how could this be so wrong? Everything else felt so right. Closing my eyes I deepened the kiss, engulfing myself in Covey's warmth.

I let myself feel everything. There was no more fighting it. I was no longer going to fight it. Not when it felt this amazing. Not when it hurt so much to do so.

That night I slept in Covey's arms. Legs intertwined. My face in the crook of her neck.

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