Chapter 8 - Time for Proof

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Liam sunk slowly to the grass, guiding Erin's limp body with him, laying her cradled across his lap. Gently he brushed some stray tendrils of golden honey hair from her face, letting it cascade behind her. Ashlynn knelt down next to him with tears glistening in her eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" Ashlynn asked him with tear streaked cheeks and fear swirling in ocean blue orbs.

"She'll be fine, lass," he answered softly. "Connor, take Ashlynn and get some water, please." Connor nodded, gently clasping Ashlynn by the hand and hurried off back toward the keep.

Kennedy had been heading over once he saw Erin speaking with Liam. Breaking into a sprint the rest of the way, Kennedy saw her faint. He boiled with jealousy at the sight of Erin in Liam's arms.

He gets everything!

"I'll take her back to the keep, Liam. She needs to rest more," Kennedy offered. He needed to get her away from Liam.

"No need, Kennedy. Go see to the men's training. I'll stay here." The tone in Liam's response left no room for further arguing. Kennedy stormed off muttering curses under his breath that Liam didn't hear.

Liam stared at Erin's peaceful face. He noticed the freckles across her nose, her subtle breathing, dark, thick eyelashes fanned out from her closed eyes. She was stubborn and feisty but he was entranced. No one dared to so boldly challenge him except for...

No! Stop!

Gently and slowly he stroked a wavy tendril of hair that lay cascading behind her. He had never seen hair that color before, like roasted chestnuts sparkling gold under the sun's rays. So many tones of honey, gold and even copper. It was so silky yet thick.

Connor and Ashlynn came running up with two waterskins. Quickly Connor handed one to Liam.

"Hold this one, Father, for her to drink from once she wakes," Connor instructed with confidence. Liam nodded at his son, smiling softly in pride at the maturing leadership Connor showed. It quickly turned to shock, however, when Connor poured some water directly onto Erin's face causing her to immediately wake up and cough. Liam tightened his hold to steady her, raising Erin to a sitting up position.

Erin coughed and sputtered for a moment as Ashlynn cheered. "Yay, Mommy! You're awake now! Great job!"

Nothing could have stopped the smirk and chuckle at her daughter's cheers. It was then that Erin realized she was in Liam's tight embrace with an open hand resting on his very firm, toned chest.

Oh my...

Her cheerful smile faded quickly, cheeks blushing fiercely as hazel eyes went wide. Liam tried unsuccessfully to hide a smirk at her expression. Connor lamely attempted to hide his laugh with a cough. Erin narrowed her eyes into a stern glare aimed at Liam yet neither of them moved.

"Is it a tradition in 15th century Ireland to openly embrace a woman in public or merely a habit unique to you?" Erin quipped, quirking a sassy eyebrow. Trying to squirm out of Liam's arms, she failed because his hold tightened. She exhaled in frustration, lips pressing to a thin line.

Liam grinned at her as he answered, "Only when they willingly fall into my arms, lass." He chuckled then added, "You fainted and it was either catch you or let you fall and bonk your head again. The latter was not an option."

His large hands slid down the curve of her side to her waist, steadying her before Liam stood assisting Erin to rise as well. Their eyes locked, hazel onto forest green ceasing and fading out everything around them. Liam's hands lingered on her waist, Erin's flattened hands resting on his biceps.

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