Chapter 27 - Time to Mourn

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Present day - Los Angeles, CA

Connie walked into Erin's room to find as usual, her companion asleep leaning on the bed, his arms crossed under his cheek. She walked up behind him and gently touched his back, making him sharply inhale through his nose as he straightened looking up at her sleepily.

"My turn," Connie smiled warmly. "You go get some real food and real rest. Has there been any change?"

"No," He reported as he stretched his arms out.

He and Connie had fallen into a routine over the past several weeks. The doctors were happy enough with Erin's recovery that they had begun weaning her off the medicines that induced her coma to see if she would come out of it finally. Seventy two hours of being completely off of them and no change.

Connie replaced him in his chair and took hold of Erin's limp hand and gently rubbed the back of it with her thumb. "No sign of Luke, either?"

"No," Liam replied coolly as he put his jacket on. "I shortened the list of approved visitors to just you and me since that incident to tighten the security."

"Thank you," Connie smiled at him. "She is lucky to have you. Enjoy your rest."

He nodded and slowly walked out of the room when he heard a groan coming from the room. Swiftly he turned to Connie. "Are you alright?"

"That wasn't me!" She answered and soon he was back at Erin's bedside.

"Come on, Erin," He beckoned. "Wake up, love. Open your eyes."

"Mmmhmm, no..." Erin mumbled, her head shaking slightly. "No! NO!"

At that, Connie jumped up and ran to the hallway. "I need a doctor in here!"

"No! Liam..." Erin mumbled, a single rogue tear fell down her face.

"I'm here, Erin," He answered, his own tears threatening to fall.

"No! No!" Erin cried again then whimpered before exhaling. Finally she settled, not making another sound other than her soft pattern of steady breathing.

Connie returned with Erin's doctor rushing into the room.

"What happened?" The doctor asked Liam who had his face pressed against Erin's hand he had been holding.

"She spoke...she...called for me..." Liam sniffled, pressing his hand to her limp hand held tightly in his own.

"What does this mean, Doctor?" Connie asked, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

The doctor sighed before explaining. "I need to run some more tests, but it could mean her brain swelling has lessened enough to dream or process memories. Wherever she is, Erin has to come out of it on her own. Keep talking to her and give her a reason to come back."

The doctor nodded as he checked the machines, taking some notes then left the room. Connie sat back down on the opposite side of the bed. Cautiously staring at Liam.

"She called for you?" Connie asks, her voice had a little bite to it. Liam's eyes flicked up to her and he gave a small shrug. "You have some explaining to do. How exactly do you know my daughter so intimately that she would call for you instead of me or Ashlynn?"

Liam sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "I do know your daughter very well, Connie, from before the day of the accident."

"How?" She bit out, swallowing hard.

"It's...a long story..."

"We have a lot of time."


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