32. Stupid Rules

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      Food, an abundance of it. I feel like I'm dreaming. I'm sitting next to Rick and Carl, because Daryl is sitting on a counter, and told me to sit here. Everybody is in a good mood, probably the wine. It isn't the kind my daddy drank. This is in a pretty bottle, it looks expensive. Nothing my daddy could afford. I look back, and see Daryl actually smiling, but he's also drinking so no shock there. I smirk, and point to my lips, to let him know he's smiling. He just rolls his eyes, and points to my leftover vegetables. I eat most of them, even though I was gonna try to pawn them off on my dog, who is enjoying his bone. When nobody is lookin I give the last three to him. Carl smirks at me, and I hold a finger up to my lips, and he laughs quietly. Then copy's my action, to which I smile.
     "You know in Italy, the kids have a little bit of wine with dinner, and in France." Lori scoffs,
"And when Carl is in either one of those places he can to." Rick ends up talking her into it with a little,
"Oh what's it gonna hurt?" After a little is poured into his cup, he takes a sip. It's not in his mouth for very long before,
"Ewww, that's sick!"
"That's my boy." Lori laughs. Everybody starts laughing at his reaction. So before anybody says anything I take the cup, and even with the awful taste, I down it. My throat burns, I don't see how anybody can drink that crap! But of course I don't show it, I smirk,
"Can I have another glass?" I hope they say no. They all just laugh, and Daryl says
"Atta girl...and Negative ghost ridder." I smirk, and finish my food.
     Everybody starts talking about different things, until Shane speaks up ruining the fun.
"So what's really going on here?" The doctor goes into a long boring talk about his crappy life, with other crappy doctors. I ignore it, and give my dog another bone. I look back when there's an awkward silence.
"Dude you are such a buzz kill." Glenn states with a downcast look in his eyes.
     "I'll show you where your going to sleep, follow me." Everybody gets up, and follows the doctor out the door.
"Most of the facility is powered down... including housing so you'll have to make due here. There's a game room you kids will enjoy, just do me a favor don't plug anything in alright. Same in the bedrooms... and if you shower take it easy on the hot water." Hot water?! I think to myself.
     "Hot water?!" Glenn says aloud,
"That's what the man says!" T-dog says with a smile, and everybody runs to find a room. I look over, and see Daryl,
"Come on Mason. Let's go." I call my dog, and follow Daryl.
He opens the door to a welcoming sight there's a couch,blankets, air conditioner, and my personal favorite a small TV.
I'm about to go for it, but Daryl grabs the back of my collar.
"Shower first, then put these on." He says handing me a pair of nice pajamas,
"Carol gave 'um to ya. Go on, bathrooms right there. Make sure ya wash yer hair too. Use the soaps, ya smell like crap. And Trust me I can tell if ya don't use 'um."
"Okay, I'll make sure ta do it." He nods his head, but I kinda hesitate.
"Go on, unless ya want a repeat of the quarry?" He says with a smirk. I dash off to the bathroom, and close the door."
As I stand under the water, I let it run down my face. I look at the floor at the pile of blood pouring off of my skin. I can hardly breathe, I start crying silently for all the loss. The only one I really kinda cared 'bout was Merle, and I guess Jim too since he was so nice to me before he... I stop my thought, and decide to hurry. If Daryl comes in, and sees me crying he'll think I'm just a little weakling. Jim's words run trough my mind.
"Your strong Mason... let Daryl in... even when he pushes you away." What's he mean by pushes me away? I'm so confused with people!
I look down again. The blood is still coming. I can't take it, I start to scrub my skin with my finger nails, trying to get the blood off. Everything was simple before this. Listen to daddy, and stay out of his way. I quickly wash my hair when I'm sure there's no more blood, and dry off. The pajamas are pretty big, but they have a draw string, so they'll work. When I walk out Daryl has a cot set up. And smirks,
"Eh it's a human!" I don't smile,
"Can I go to the rec room?"
"Sure I'm gonna take a long shower." He walks into the bathroom, and shuts the door.
     I remember the TV on the stand, I smirk and grab the remote. Once I figure out how to plug the TV in I put on whatever is in the VCR. I don't know what it is, but it's funny so whatever.
The adults would probably be mad if they knew I was disobeying Dr. Jenner, but what they don't know won't kill 'um. I hear Daryl's shower turn off after a while, and run to unplug the set. I don't feel like getting yelled at. I run out the door shutting it quietly.
I go over to where I hear the other kids laughter. They are playing checkers.
"Hey y'all." They smile at me,
"Hey Mason," Sophia says kindly.
"Let's play something we all can play." Carl suggests so we went to the other board games.
"How about this one?" I'd never seen it, and I couldn't read the name... this ought'a be fun.
"No that one says ten and up. Mason's only seven."
"I'm eight!" I snap.
"And it's not like that matters it's only a guideline really." I say with sass.
"My mom wouldn't let me play a video game one time, because it was rated for sixteen and up. She said that I wasn't allowed to play a game that said it was for older age groups."
I roll my eyes, and Sophia buts in,
"Let's play hide and seek!"
I like that game, I'm good at it from all the times hiding from daddy.
"Carl's it!" I say, and Sophia laughs,
"Hey no fair!" I smirk,
"Carl you know it isn't very mature to fight with someone of my age." He rolls his eyes and sighs,
"Alright alright, I'm sorry for saying that you were too young for the other game! If I'm It this time can we forget about it?"
"Forget 'bout what?" Carl smiles, and turns to count.
      Sophia hides behind a potted plant, but I crawl under the couch. It's such a small space nobody would think I could fit.
"Seventeen... eighteen... nineteen... twenty! Ready or not here I come!" He easily finds Sophia, but he's stumped about my location. After about five minutes he finally relents,
"Okay! I give up Mason!" I smile, and crawl out from underneath the couch.
"How'd you fit under their!" Sophia laughs, and Carl smiles,
"No wonder I couldn't find you!"
      "Alright kids time for bed." Carol says sweetly.
"Goodnight you guys," I say to Carl and Sophia. Lori decides to look around for a bit. I walk over to her, "Hey Lori?" She smiles,
"Yes... you really should go back to your room." I just ignore the last part.
"Do ya think It would be alright to take a few books back to my room? I promise I'll bring 'um back."
"I don't have a problem with that."
"Thanks. Do you know any good ones?" I ask not recognizing any of the covers of the books.
"Hmmm, well... what kind of books do you like?"
"I don't know? Anything really."
"How about Peter rabbit, and all of the other Beatrice Potter books?"
"Beatrice who?" I say confused.
"She wrote a series of kids books, the main characters are animals. I think you would like them." She hands me a little box with a rabbit wearing a blue jacket on the front. It has small books in it, more appropriate for my age than the Swiss Family Robinson.
"Now off to bed with you." She says in a light voice. She kisses the top of my head softly. I don't pull away, surprisingly, just tense up a little. I kinda like being treated like a little girl, after all that's what I am.
"Goodnight, Lori." She smiles as I leave the room.
      I get a few feet down the hall, when I hear it, a muffled scream... Lori's scream.

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