46.Please Be Okay

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My head is spinning so fast I can hardly keep up with it.
"DARYL!" I scream louder than I ever have in my life. I jump off the top of the RV, and run so fast I can barely keep up with my own two feet.
I hadn't realized it earlier when I was arguing with Hershel, but I called him my family. He's done more for me than anybody else has in my life. If he's dead I don't think I can make it... no I can't think that he's alive... he is!
"Daryl!" I yell again completely out of breathe. The guys all turn to see me running towards them.
When I make it to them, they are all running towards the limp figure laying in the tall grass. I'm going a mile a minute with all my worrying.
"Daryl! Please be okay! Don't be be dead, please!" I whimper as I fall next to him on the hard ground. I let out strangled sob. I hadn't realized I was crying until just now.
"NO!" Rick keeps yelling at the others back at camp, and then runs to me and Daryl. Daryl finally started to show signs that he wasn't dead, and I let out a sigh of relief. I see where the bullet grazed him in the side of his head. It's bleeding, but at least he's not dead.
"I was kidding!" He says sarcastically,
as Shane and Rick help him up.
     I look up when I hear Andrea yelling and carrying on,
"Is he dead?"
"Do you care?" I yell back at her. She looks at Rick.
"No. The bullet just grazed him, he's unconscious."
"Lucky for you," I add in. To which I get a small glare from Shane, whatever.
"Look at him, what happened he's wearing ears!" Glenn says totally grossed out. Rick rips the ears off, and passes them to me.
"Let's keep that to ourselves, put them in your pocket." I smirk, cause I know exactly what I'm gonna do with them.
"Guys! Isn't this Sophia's." T says holding up a small, familiar doll.
      "Mason stay out here, I don't want you to get in Hershel's way. You two don't seem to like each other at the moment," Rick tells me.
"But I wanna stay with Daryl!"
"Mason do what your told!" Daryl growls, and I stop following. It's not like I shot him. I turn to Andrea who is standing a little ways away. I walk closer, and then break out in a full out sprint straight at her. I won't be able to do much because I'm so small, but she ain't just gonna get away with shooting him.
     Before I get to her I'm swooped off my feet by Lori, who picks me up. I start flailing trying to get at Andrea.
"Stop this Mason Young!" Lori says sternly. Who cares what's Lori gonna do?
"You could've killed him! I'd be alone again! Why can't you listen every once in a while instead of trying to prove your so called skills!"
     Lori puts me down, and pulls me back to her camp, and makes me sit on a stump till I calm down. That's at least what she said. When she comes over I turn so my back is facing her, and she sighs.
"You know Mason, Daryl is okay. He wants to see you now."
"Why?" I say with anger laced in my voice.
"What do you mean?"
"I ain't his kid. I ain't nobody's kid, never have been."
"It ain't fair. Why does this always happen?" I break, and start to tear up.
"What happen?"
"My mom, Daddy, Daryl. Everybody leaves me." Lori pulls me into her lap, and strokes my hair.
"Sweetheart, Daryl isn't gonna leave you, alright?" I just blink back my tears, no more crying I'm done with that.
"You've never mentioned your mom. What was she like?"
"I don't know. She left right after I was born. I never even got to hold her hand."
"I'm sorry Mason... what about your daddy?" I stay quiet, nobody is gonna know about that. Not from me at least.
"I'm sorry that's none of my business. Do you wanna go see Daryl?" I shake my head yes, and she stands up.
"He's a little sore, so be careful when you go in." She offers me her hand, and I hesitate.
"I know I'm not your mom, but maybe if you hold my hand you can imagine her instead of me." She smiles, and I take her hand slowly.
     We make our way to the house, and Lori let's me go into the room alone. Daryl is laying on his side, and he's awake.
"Hey kiddo."
"Hi," I whisper. He pats a spot on the bed, and I sit on it.
"Does it hurt?"
"No." I give him a look that says I know he's lying.
"What'd you say to Hershel?"
"You're not in trouble, Rick said to ask you about it."
"Well we didn't have a very nice talk."
"Mase, Hershel is opening his land to us. I want you to apologize to him."
"Do I have to?" I whine.
"Yes, and better stop whining, or I'll stop it," He growls. I look down,
"You had Sophia's doll?"
"Found where she crossed a river."
"Are you gonna stay here tomorrow, cause your hurt?"
"Maybe, depends... What'd you do all day?"
"Not much, played with my dog, sat with Carl, yelled at Hershel." I say the last one quietly so he wouldn't ask me about it any more.
"What'd you eat? Don't think I didn't notice you slipping your food back into the dish last night."
"I had a sandwich, you can even ask Maggie."
"I will," He assures.
"Now... go find Hershel, and apologize."
"Yes Daryl," I sigh. I hear him chuckle as I leave the room.
I find Hershel in The dining room. He was passing through, but I called him and he turned around.
"Umm... well I'm sorry I yelled at you, and was disrespectful towards you. Please don't make us leave cause of me." He chuckles.
"You have nothing to do with my decision. And I forgive you, but next time I'm going straight to your daddy," He warns.
"I told ya' he ain't here," I don't say it in a sassy way though.
"What do you mean? I thought..." he starts to point up stairs.
"Daryl ain't my daddy. He just lets me stick with him." Hershel looks at me confused.
"Where's your daddy?"
"He's gone."
"Child I'm so sorry," he says with an apologetic frown.
"No, he's not dead, he just left. Shane found me, well I found him. They made me go with them. I've been with Daryl and his brother for a long time."
"His brother?"
"He got killed in Atlanta... it's a long story."
"I see. So your dad left you... why?"
"I don't know... I've got to go." I don't want to have to explain anything else to him.

      I wait with Daryl until Carol comes to bring him dinner.
"Mason, go down stairs for dinner. Don't need ya spilling anything."
"Okay," I jump off the bed, and He groans.
"Sorry, I forgot," I say sheepishly
"It's alright, just eat your food, all of it. I already talked to Rick, and he's gonna make sure you do."
"I'll eat... I'm hungry." He chuckles,
"You're gonna sleep in the Grimes's tent tonight."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night kid."


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