Chapter 15

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I slowly walked in, overlooking my class, seeing who was in it. I noticed Ryan, a few of the pack members, and Alex. I smiled and went to sit next to him.

"Hey! Dakota." Said Liam, motioning me over to sit next to him. The werewolves all turned their attention to us. I looked at Alex who had the slightest bit of concern on his face. I sat down next to Liam, trying to act normal, as if I didn't know he was a trespassing Alpha. To be completely honest, I was kinda scared of him.

"If the teacher doesn't turn up wanna work on the assignment?" He asked.

"Uh...sure. I guess" I said hesitantly. Looking at the clock, it ticked passed 10:15 which meant it was a free period.

"Let's go." He said, getting up, grabbing his bag and standing in front of my desk. I packed up my books and did the same. I followed Liam out of the classroom after looking back at Alex who mouthed the words "Where are you going?" I mouthed back "Library".

Once we arrived there, my concern changed to fear. There were no teachers or students in the library. No one. A shiver ran through my spine at the thought of being alone with Liam. I sat down at a table and noticed Chase overlooking us from afar. I don't think Liam noticed him which I was thankful for.

"I'm gonna go grab the book on this top." Said Liam, standing up. I nodded. He walked behind me, I didn't think much of it. Until he grabbed me by the neck, holding me in a choke hold. A loud growl was let out from the corner of the room, from Chase. He ran over and was held back by two strong unfamiliar people.

"Chase!" I yelled with fear. Now was a good time to mind link my siblings.

-TSUNAMI, Library-

"We just want her. Nobody has to get hurt." Said Liam. Chase let out a low growl.

"Except maybe her." Added Liam with a smug look on his face. Chase attempted at lunging forward. His eyes were black, fangs were formed. The two guys who I assumed were apart of Liam's pack were now tying Chase down to a chair. I heard many footsteps enter the library. I couldn't turn around because of the tight hold Liam had on me.

"Let her go" Said a familiar voice, Xavier.

"Now!" Said Gert.

"No." Growled Liam. I heard grunts and screams from behind me and before I knew it, my family were being dragged across the room and tied onto chairs just like Chase.

"My powers aren't working!" Yelled Zyon.

"Thanks for being so cooperative guys!" Said Liam sarcastically as he dragged me out of the room. My vision went black.

I woke up in water. A small, claustrophobic tank. The water was cold. I shivered, curling myself into a ball.

"What do we have here?" Said a deep, annoying voice from being me. I turned around and peered out the tank. Paul. Franklin.

"W-where am I? Why are you here!? Chase would never lock me up." I said.

"No, he wouldn't. That's why I don't accept orders from him anymore." He said.

"I've joined the Silver Lake pack. They actually have interest in protecting their pack from rotten fish like you." He spat. I couldn't put up with him, I swam down deep in my tank. Exploring it. The tank's glass window stopped when it hit the floor. I looked down into the depths of darkness and saw a small light at the very bottom. I swam down to it, it was a round, small, window. I looked out and saw a field. It had crops growing on it, playgrounds with kids, all kinds of diversity. How could all these people, be led by such villains. I sat there, at the bottom of my tank. Staring out the small window. I sat there for hours, watching the sun set. The stars appear, and the pack slowly return to there homes.

The sound of pounding came from the top of my tank. I woke up startled. I peered out my window and looked at the sun. It appeared to be around 10 am. I slowly swam up cautiously, I spotted someone on top of my tank. The hatch was open, he looked as if he was in a hazmat suit. A sharp pain pierced my arm, I screeched in pain. I looked and saw a big dart wedged in my arm. It was pulling me towards the top of my tank, as if I was hooked onto a fishing rope. I felt weak, tired. Like I couldn't fight even if I tried. Strong arms grasped my body and I was taken out of my tank and dumped onto a table. I looked up to see Paul, with what looked like a needle in his hand. My vision was blurry, but I felt fully conscious. I tried to observe my surroundings, but saw the outline of a body, tied to a pillar. My eyes focused on the face, slowly becoming clearer.

"Chase?" I said weakly. He clenched his jaw and looked away.

"Ahhh" I groaned in pain. My tail felt numb, injected with some kind of liquid. I was picked up and dumped back into the tank. Not being able to swim, I sunk to the bottom. I heaved myself across the floor of my tank towards the window. I stared out it again, trying to think of some way I could get to Chase. My vision was becoming clearer, and my tail was regaining sense. I tried a small spell, trying to make a small whirlpool formed, easiest of them all. Nothing. I tried to form a water spout, or make a current in the water. Still nothing. Tears filled my eyes as I realised I could be stuck in here forever, a lab rat. I would never see my parents or siblings or even Chase ever again. I was a lab rat. I swam down to window. Watching small, grey, gloomy, clouds roll in. And then realisation hit me. The weather.

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