A downwards spiral

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Casey remembered the day she left and moved to the city, she was full hope and ready for anything that the big wide world threw at her. But things did not work out well, in fact it went terribly wrong.

She couldn't find work and before she new it she was broke, sitting in her unfurnished flat starring at a letter. At the top of the letter was a word all in big caps, RENT. She new if she didn't find a job in the next 3 days she would not have anywhere to live, she would be kicked out on the streets with no where to go.

Her belly growled as she sat starring at the letter, she reached into her pocket and pulled out some change. she had £5.30 left, shoving it back in her pocket she put on her coat and went to go get what probably was going to be her last full meal.

She glumly sat in the cafe with a sandwich, some water and a bag of crisps. She had also picked up a free news paper and slowly read through the job page as she ate. There were the usual jobs that required skills she hadn't got and others that where already taken. she sighed and took a bite of her sandwich and continued to read, suddenly a small add caught her eye. It read "Jobs wanted, no skill required, cash pay every day~visit address below to apply".

Finally a job, she thought to her self as she ate the rest of her lunch and got ready to go and apply. As she came out of the cafe it had just gone 2 and the air was crisp as she walked to the address that it said in the paper. As she walked she wondered what sort of job it would be, the place was called fat foodies which seemed like a name of a bar or restaurant so she just assumed it was.

As she got nearer she wondered what the pay was going to be like as she had noticed she had entered the "rough" area of the city (down town), it was a dark, dingey and unpleasant and full of the worst kind of people. To her relief she didn't have to go any further as she had come to a black building with a bright pink neon sign that read "fat foodies", she took a deep breath and stepped inside....

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