04 | The Tale of The Human

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There was a time before the merpeople were discovered. A time where humans were the only beings that could speak and think. A time where the humans weren't as greedy. It all changed when one day, two men in their early twenties saw something in the water—something humanlike.


"What is that in the water?" Taehyung asked his friend, Namjoon. He could see something, something in the water splashing its tail and laughing. Beside it, there was another similar figure, but it was bigger.

It was as if it was a father and son, or an older brother and younger brother.

It was a rare sight.

What was the creature?

Who was the creature?

And how are these creatures alive and breathing, in water?

"W-wait, what is that!?" Namjoon was just as shocked as Taehyung. He couldn't believe the sight before his eyes.

Before they knew it, they saw the younger one swim up to the surface.

They locked eyes, staring into one another— Taehyung and the merman (merboy.)

Taehyung felt his heart thump, his eyes widening.

The merboy tilted his head to the side.

"He looks my age," The merboy wondered. "Yet he has two feet, whilst I have a tail."

"Come down here, Jimin!" shouted his older brother from beneath the sea. "I see mermans." Jimin ducked his head under the water again. His eyes were full of astonishment; they looked like sparkling stars.

"What? That's preposterous." Jihyun was in disbelief. "Go look, then." Jimin ushered his older brother to go up at the surface.

Jihyun gave his younger brother a look of suspicion, and he swam up to the surface.

He locked eyes with Kim Namjoon.

He was fascinated.

'They're not mermen." Jihyun called out to Jimin. "What?" Jimin came up.

Jihyun noticed the taller man beckon to the other, saying something.

"What are they saying?" Jimin asked, curious. He kept nudging his brother. "I don't know. Stop it." Jihyun snapped quietly at Jimin.

They saw the two men go down the stairs of the dock and onto a small boat.

They hadn't noticed the boat until the two men got on it.

They got closer to the two merpeople, curious.

Jihyun stood in front of Jimin—worried that the men will hurt them.

"What are you?" spoke the younger one, Taehyung. He was meticulously curious. "They speak our language-." Jimin was shocked. "So you do speak the same language as us," Namjoon was intrigued.

"What are you, specimens?" Jihyun asked defensively. He wasn't letting his guard down.

"Humans. I should be asking you that. We've never seen your kind before." Namjoon implied coldly.

"We're merpeople." Jihyun answered.

(Taehyung and Jimin kept exchanging looks with each other.)

"Namjoon! Oh- what have you there?" His father smirked, getting a glance at the two merboys. He got ahold of his spear that he uses to kill whales. He found this as a golden opportunity.

Namjoon's eyes widened,  about to yell at them to flee, when his father threw the spear—which scratched against Jihyun's tail. It was temporarily injured.

Jihyun, with his heart racing, was full of fear. Jimin was scared too.

He pushed his brother downward, scared of the human world—yet it was a feeling he'd never felt before in the dull kingdom underwater.

Jimin swam quickly, too, and they went back to the hidden underwater kingdom they were part of.

The kingdom their father ruled.

Jimin went from pink to light blue.

Light blue meaning fear.

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