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warnings: i have no idea what this is, filler, rubbish, deaths(?), short af uwu, poorly written, 300 words


as jeongguk sat on "his' side of the huge land, taehyung sat crosslegged at his own freezing side.

each's land was huge, one side burning with charcoal and fire, as to what jeongguk was basically made of, and the other fillef with ice.

they could never touch.

"i-it's re-really boring h-here,"taehyung spoke with his natural stutter, "i-i wish you could b-be here with me."

jeongguk smiled,"at least we can talk, right?"

taehyung nodded, sighing."y-yeah, i guess."

they both stayed silent for about ten minutes, afterall, in their many,many years of living, how much could they talk about in the two boring, empty places,then taehyung broke the silence.

"i-is it really im-impossible for u-us to ever t-tou-"

"yes it is, taehyung!"

taehyung widened his eyes, before mumbling a soft 'okay'.

jeongguk sighed,"i'm sorry, tae.it's really not possible, we'll...die."

taehyung nodded.

he was like a child, jeongguk would say. innocent, oblivious and painfully reckless.

telling him or even giving him false hope could break him,giving him support for his hopes could kill him.

jeongguk sighed, the redhead grabbed a stick from his side, a rather long one, and felt it around.

"tae, don't touch this."he told the bluehead, and placed half the stick onto the ground of taehyung's side.

taehyung watched in awe and horror as the cold, ice ground sizzled and turned into water before disappearing, and taehyung panicked.

"g-gguk!stop d-doing that!"the ground was slowly turning to water and taehyung looked at jeongguk in dismay.

"s-s-stop!gguk st-stop!"

still he didn't budge, "it'll stop soon, tae."jeongguk kept his firm grip on the stick,"it'll cool down."

but taehyung was beyond terrified, and the it all happened in a flash.

taehyung reached out to the otherside in a rush to stop jeongguk from possibly burning down the whole land, felt around before grabbing onto jeongguk's arm and eyes widening.

jeongguk let out a scream and he dropped the stick,"tae no-"

but it was too late.

they both disappeared in seconds, leaving a pile of ashes and a pool of water, before both pools disappeared and it was as if no one had ever been in the two lone lands.

they were finally together.



𝖇𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora