Chapter Twenty Six

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💀Sin Westbrook💀

If you've never experienced complete, helpless rage, I don't pity you.

It cursed through your veins and demanded you smash the source of your rage into tiny peices, but there was nothing you could do about it, nothing could shake it. There was nothing to smash.

That's how I felt looking at Rory Vincent lying across my lap in the back seat of King's car.

She was unconscious, with a huge lump forming on the back of her head.
I wanted the blood of the person responsible.

By tomorrow I would have his name and he would pay. Much worse than the broken nose I'd given him today.

"Can this ancient car go over thirty?" I growled, holding the bag of ice simultaneously over Rory's bump and my mangled fist.

"I'm going as fast as possible." King replied in a monotone. I knew he was perplexed. He wanted to call her brother and to bring Rory to the hospital. I axed that plan so instead we were taking Rory to his mother who was an RN.

"What the hell is wrong with this girl?" I mumbled, mostly to myself. King wasn't dumb enough to start
listing off things wrong with Rory.

I had specifically told her not to intervene, King had told her to stay put, but did she listen? Of course not. And now she was hurt.

I removed the ice from her bump, seeing if the swelling had went down. It hadn't. He brother was going to try to kill me.

When she groaned, slowly bringing a hand to her head I caught her before she could hurt herself. I squeezed her hand in mine. "Rory, baby wake up."

I knew King was going to have a mouthful to tell the guys later, I didn't care.

She slowly opened her eyes wincing in pain. "...Hurts" she mumbled.

"I know baby. Just relax." I wanted to yell at her, but I didn't.

"What happened?"

You fell on your thick head. "Just relax." I said again, pushing her hair out of her face and staring down at her.

She winced, once again trying to touch her head. " What the hell..." she mumbled, trailing off when I grabbed her hand again.

"We're here." King barked out, putting his car in park. "My mom is not going to be happy."

I ignored King's complaints, quickly opening the door before facing a still confused Rory.

"Can you walk?" I asked lifting her in the upright position.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." She mumbled, rubbing her temple. "I really do."

I clenched my jaw. "Come on. King's mom is a nurse."

She nodded scooting out of the car after me. Once she was standing she placed both of her hands on the sides of her head. "What the hell happened?"

I shot her a look. "You didn't listen to me. Your gonna have some bruises. "

Quickly her hand went to her right arm and I frowned. I didn't know she had hurt her arm.

"Are you Okay?" I asked concerned about her quick movement.

She leaned against me. "I'm fine. What happened to Sergio?"

Like I was going to tell her. I remember how once I wanted her to see the violence in my world, if any reason just to scare her into behaving.

Now I needed her far away from it and I was fucking everything up. Then again, this had been a bad idea from the start.

King's mom was rushing down the stairs when we stepped into the living room and she immediately raised a brow. "What happened." She directed the question to her son.

King shrugged. "She fell and hit her head. We just want to see if she had a concussion."

He mom studied him before looking from me to Rory. I knew she knew we were lying: I had a busted lip and blood all over my shirt. But she didn't question us any further.

"Bring her to my office." She said turning on her heels and heading down the hall.

I followed with Rory still leaning against me.

When we entered the office I carefully lowered Rory onto a leather couch that was bundled into a corner of the room. "I'll be right back." I said already pulling out my phone.

"What did she say?" King asked when he saw me walking back into the living room.

I shook my head. "I don't know yet. I need to make a call."

I couldn't take Rory's pain away, but I could track down the assholes that had attacked me. And then I could get my revenge.

"He's going to be pissed." King commented.

I shrugged . I was pissed. It couldn't get much worse than it was.

When Kody answered I prepared to battle.

"Where the fuck is my sister Westbrook. It's after one."

I placed my hand over my face relaxing my tone. "There was a problem. Rory-"

"What the fuck do you mean there was a problem? Sin where the fuck is my sister?"

I balled my fist. I really didn't need this shit right now.  I understood it, I just really didn't need it. "I'm telling you. She's right here with me. She's hurt."

There was silence and then, "What the fuck did you do to her Sin?"

"It was Sergio." I growled. "Him and his guys ran up on me. I told Rory-" I paused shaking my head at the memory of Rory running up to one of Sergio's men with a chair. "I had it under control. I wasn't gonna let her get hurt. She... Interfered."

Kody was quiet for a while. "How many guys?" I knew he was going to find them, this was too important not to succeed. So, I gave him all the information he needed. And I told him that when he had a name I wanted dibs.

"Sin, you need to keep my sister out of this shit."

"I will." I promised, not entirely talking to Kody.

"There's a reason why I chose you for the job." He continued. "I need my sister protected until she gets to college."

I bit my tongue. Rory didn't need me telling her brother she wasn't going to college with him. "This won't happen again."

Once Kody hung up I went back to find Her. I watched as King's mom shined a flashlight in her eyes.

Once Kody found out what was between me and his sister, I could kiss being captain goodbye. And once Rory found out about our little agreement, she was going to rip my heart out.

Still, when she made eye contact with me and crossed her eyes, I smiled.


Hard. As. Hell. To. Write.

Seriously, guys POV  is very hard for me. What did you guys think. This will probably be the only chapter I do in his POV
Anyway... Dun Dun Dun. The real reason for sins stalkerness is revealed.

Qotd:did you see the ffh trailer? What was your favorite part.

AOTD: "No banana? Great."

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