Chapter Thirty Four

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💀Sin Westbrook💀

River snored.

It was public knowledge really.

Anyone who'd ever met him knew this information. For some reason I had forgot about that particular detail.

I blinked my eyes as the sun shined in my face. I hadn't closed my curtains.

My head pounded as I pushed myself up in the sitting position.

I tossed my pillow at River growling. He quickly sat up, looking around the room, confused. "What the fuck?"

I ran my hands through my hair. The idiot had gotten me drunk.

If I was being honest, I was still a bit drunk. "Answer the door." I said.

My doorbell was still going off. I looked at the clock by my bed. It was three in the morning.

"Whose at the door?" River asked stupidly.

"I don't know you idiot. Go find out."

He seemed to sober up. "What if it's Rory?" When I narrowed my eyes, he smirked. "She did say that you guys needed to talk."

I remembered my drunken conversation with Rory all too clearly. I was a fucking idiot.

I hopped out of my bed stepping over River. "shit." I mumbled stumbling down the stairs.

I wasn't prepared to talk to Rory right now. My head was pounding and I was still kind of drunk. Plus I hadn't prepared what I was going to say.

I had told her I loved her, and she hung up in my face.

I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair before pulling my front door open.

I was shocked when I saw Kody on the other side. I was so distracted by the fact that Rory was not with him that I didn't notice his expression. Until it was too late.

"Cap? What the fuck-"He cut off whatever I was about to say, with his fist.

There was nothing like a right hook to the jaw to sober you up at three in the morning.

I had been craving a fight anyways. I had so much pent up agression building in me ready to snap at the right moment. So I didn't think, I just swung, focusing on my movements.

I'd be damned if Kody was just going to barge in my house and kick my ass.

Captain or no captain.

Plus, this whole situation with Rory was kind of his fault.

When he swung, I swung back. I watched his movements and I changed my attacks. He knew me well, he'd watched me fight dozens of times so he knew most of my moves, plus I was drunk and hungover at the same time. Added to that, he was angry. More angry than I had ever seen him.

It made the fight pretty uneven.

When River stomped down the stairs, Kody had me pinned. My lip was bleeding and my vision was blurry.

"Stay out of it River." I growled pushing Kody away from me with all my strength.

Of course River didn't listen. When Kody charged at me again, River stood in his path.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked placing his hand on his head. I was sure he had a pounding headache as well.

Kody wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, narrowing his eyes when it came away bloody..

I smirked. He'd put me in a bad mood, and now I wanted this fight.

"I'm gonna kill you, Westbrook." Kody said, spitting on my floor.

"You can try." I mumbled.

"I said what the fuck is going on?" River said again.

Kody laughed, wiping his bloody mouth again, "Sin, I'm going to kill you. Believe it."

"Go fuck yourself, Kody." It probably wasn't such a good idea for me to egg him on. I didn't even know what his problem was, but I was pissed and I was tired so there you have it.

"You made a mistake coming for Rory. You'll pay for it."

That stopped me in my tracks. What the hell was he talking about?

"Rory?" I winced, knowing I sounded like a love sick idiot clinging on to every mention of her name.

"Don't act like you don't know what the hell I'm talking about."

He ran up on me again, this time I didn't argue when River held him back.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, all of the anger leaving my body. Obviously, this was a misunderstanding.

Kody straightened his posture, looking me dead in my eyes before spinning on his heel and slamming his fist into my wall. "Fuck, you don't even know..." he mumbled, resting his head against the huge hole he had just created and trying to calm down.

A sick feeling settled into my stomach. "I don't know what?" I asked forgetting about my headache and throbbing lip.

"Some asshole attacked Rory at homecoming."

My vision instantly went red. I clenched my fist to keep from lashing out and I kept my face blank.

I had so many questions. Too many that could tear my world apart, so I asked the one that I could handle at the moment.


I pictured Sergio Bivens or one of his friends.

"I don't fucking know. My dad wouldn't tell me anything. He just said it was some guy that had been sniffing after her. I figured that was you."

I would have found it amusing. If my sanity hadn't been hanging by a thread.

"I can't handle this shit." Kody groaned. He pulled his phone out of his pocket sending a text to somebody.

"She okay?"

It was River who asked the question I was too afraid to ask. I held my breath as I waited for his answer.

"I don't know. She was asleep when I went up to the hospital."


"I need to see her." I blurted out, turning on my heels to grab my keys from my room.

"She's asleep Sin." I heard Kody shout after me.

I didn't care. I trudged up the stairs, snatching my keys off of my dresser. When I made my way back downstairs River was standing in front of the door.

"Get out of my way." I growled, placing my balled fists in my pockets.

He held his hands up in surrender. "I get it, Sin. But you're in no shape to drive right now. Let's just wait until the morning."

He was right. I was in no position to drive. I sighed tossing him my car keys.

"Fine, you drive."


You guys have no idea how hard it is for me to write in Sin's POV. but it had to be done. Only about 2 more chapters left.

FF: you'll find out Rory's real name in the next chapter.

QOTD: where are you guys from?

AOTD: California

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