17. I Lo-

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It would be incorrect to say that Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi, wasn't on the edge in pure worry.

Hoseok eye her down, only making the slightly older girl chuckle at him "You don't scare me Hoseok"

He simply huff, using his speed to go in for a kick to her gut, only to be block by her hands grapping his leg, right before she twist it around, making him fall face first.

Hoseok easily get back on his feet again. Ready to fight her.

She cant help but laugh at her cousins stupidity, as she keeps blocking his attacks, only making him hurt himself more.

"Give up Hoseok! The moon is at its peak! And I am starting to feel hungry" she use her snake like tongue to lick her lips.

Hoseok weakly wipe some blood off his face, feeling too weak to even get back on his feet again.

Yunho have beat him to shreds.

Hoseok's eyebrow is split, along with his lip. Open wounds on his cheek and nose, make blood run down his face.

He sigh.

Is this really how its going to end? I have to die here, unable to save my soulmate... at least I will die with him

The hybrid think to himself, before letting his eyes land on Namjoon. He looks terrified and hurt, she have already hurt him.

Namjoon's teary eyes meet Hoseok's, as the boy whisper on repeat "I am sorry! I am so sorry"

Namjoon cant die.

The boy never did a single thing wrong in his life. Namjoon is caring and loving! He always put everyone else over himself, but now he needs someone.

Hoseok needs to be that someone.

Yoongi slowly lose his chill, looking from Namjoon to Hoseok.

"Stop hurting him! I will... I will give you my soul" the alpha promise in a shaking voice.

Nothing would hurt the boy more, than seeing both Namjoon and Hoseok die in front of his eyes. It would tear him apart.

"You?" she smirk.

"I am an alpha... I might only be a stage 1 alpha... but it would be worth 10 souls unlike Namjoon and Hoseok... make up your mind while the moon is still at its peak"

"Yoongi! Don't do it!" the hybrid cry, trying to get up and reach for the boy, tears streaming down his face.

"I will take your offer" she chuckle coldly, letting Namjoon out of his chains, with a single wave of her hand.

She walk closer to Yoongi, taking a good sniff at his neck to take in his sent. He surely is an alpha.

"But I won't let Jin and Taehyung go" She whisper in his ear, a smile spreading across her face.

Her whisper easily hit Hoseok's ear. He seems to be the only one to hear her clearly.

A rage bubble up inside him.

A feeling of light and extreme power make Hoseok get back on his feet with ease, all the scars covering his skin, disappearing in seconds.

Hoseok's hybrid form grow in stronger, his transformation only adjusting to his liking.

Hoseok feel a fire burn inside him as he yank Yunho away from Yoongi, his strength taking her by surprise.

His black eyes meet her yellow ones.

Yunho is shaking in fear, looking back at him.

"H-Hoseok?" he smile at her fear, waiting for her to attack, which she does after only a few seconds.

The moment her feet almost make contact with his leg, he is suddenly no longer in the spot she had thought, his body easily teleport to behind her.

He push her back, only for her to try to take off the fall.

A rage she can't explain go through her as she keeps running at the hybrid, only for him to teleport away and kick her to the ground.

"Y-You are a janda" she cry out, laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

"I was" the boy smirk, giving her one last kick to the face, making her black out.

Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi is in shock.

Hoseok have just done the impossible, he managed to transform a whole other level of hybrid, that no one his age have ever done.

Yoongi try to breathe in a steady pace, but his body slowly give up on him, making him fall towards the ground.

Hoseok hurry to teleport to catch him.

Yoongi's blue cat eyes look up at him, the shape slowly turning into normal and his eyes fading into brown.

"Y-Yoongi" Hoseok almost cry, caress the boy's face.

His ears hang low on his head, feeling worried and scared for his alpha.

"You did amazing" Yoongi whisper weakly, his eyes on the younger hybrids hand, taking it carefully in his.

"Hey don't say that like you are going to leave me" Hoseok cry, trying hard not to let a single drop fall.

Yoongi hold onto his hand, without saying a word.

"Yoongi you cant-" Hoseok turn his face to meet Yoongi eyes, only to cut himself off as a strong feeling run through his body, everything feeling like it's in slow motion, as a soft pink and purple light surround them.

Hoseok feels unable to breathe.

How is that even possible?

Yoongi look back at him with the same shocked eyes, even though the older is still slowly dying from the poisonous bit to his neck.

Hoseok let a tear fall, hitting Yoongi's face, as Yoongi only hold on tighter to his hand, slowly closing his eyes.

"I lo-" he whisper before his breathing stops.

Yoongi's dead body lay lifeless in Hoseok's arms.

That is when Hoseok's world fell apart.

He just lost his soulmate. 

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