21. Truth or Dare

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  ✧༺♥༻∞Day 12∞༺♥༻✧ 


Hoseok and Yoongi decided to invite all the boys over, after all the events of the previous day.

Most of them looks just as tired as Hoseok and Yoongi does, clearly most of them didn't get much sleep.

"Welcome back to the humans x hybrids cult" Taehyung chuckle, quickly making the atmosphere in the room less tense.

"Jimin gave me a fun idea today! Let's play truth or dare!" Taehyung smile.

"Why did he want to play truth or dare?" Yoongi ask, furrowing his borrows.

"So we can get to know each other! Aish! For a 175 year old, you are pretty stupid" Taehyung sigh, teasing the alpha.

"I am on" Namjoon nod to himself, sitting down on the ground by his brother.

"Don't be rude or I will use my Zen on you Taehyung" Yoongi huff, sitting down by Hoseok, letting a hand rest on his thigh.

Hoseok tense up a little under his touch, feeling a little more at ease once Yoongi's thigh run in soft patterns on his thigh.

Namjoon try not to look at them for too long, feeling a little left out by the two boys.

Yoongi send him a soft smile the second he notice Namjoon staring, making sure no one is looking at them before he wink at him, his smile only growing bigger.

Namjoon's cheeks tint a soft pink as Jimin decide to speak up.

"Who is gonna start?"

"I am! Yoongi truth or dare?" Taehyung ask, his eyes resting on Yoongi.

"Erm I don't trust you... but truth" he respond in a huff, scratching his soft white kitten ears.

"If You could be any hybrid but a cat, what hybrid would you choose to be" Taehyung ask, taking Yoongi by surprise at the simple question.

"Erm... A fox like Hobi! It's so damn cute... or maybe a tiger"

"Hobi, huh?" Hoseok whisper in his ear, making Yoongi blush a little, nodding shyly.

"I wish I was a hybrid too" Namjoon whisper with a pout decorating his lips, Yoongi hearing him clear as day, even though no one else seemed to.

"It's okay Namjoon, we are awesome, we can understand why" He tease him, only making him more flustered.

"Now Jimin! Truth or dare?"

"I will regret this... but dare" Jimin reply carefully, wiggling his ears a little.

"I dare you to... Confess your undying love to Taehyung in Shakespearean and then give him a cute little peck on his lips" the older smirk.

"I hate you!" Jimin huff.

"You studied English for 25 years! It shouldn't be a problem! Now down on your knee Romeo! Your Juliet is waiting" Yoongi laugh, a beautiful gummy smile appearing on his face.

Jimin sigh, rolling his eyes, before doing as told.

"Mine own belov'd taehyung, the timeth hast cometh f'r me to confesseth mine own feelings f'r thee. thou art m're quite quaint than any floweth'r on this earth, and thy smileth lights up mine own day. I can't liveth a day without thee by mine own side, shall thee prithee accepteth mine own loveth? and recieve this kisseth to sealeth our loveth et'rnity"

Taehyung giggle cutely.

He nod, partly understanding the last statement.

Jimin smile at him, leaning in to place a sweet kiss on his lips, Taehyung smiling like an idiot against his lips.

"I love you" Jimin whisper after breaking the kiss.

"I love you too" Taehyung reply, hugging him tightly, Jimin pulling his beautiful boy onto his lap.

"Well that was disgustingly sweet" Jin giggle, stealing a few glances at Jungkook.

"Now Jin!" Jimin chipper happily "Truth or dare?"

" dare"

"Look Jungkook in the eyes" Jimin smirk.

Jungkook look sternly at him, Jin not really getting what about that could be so bad.

Jin carefully sit in front of Jungkook, the bunny looking down the second Jin is close to him.

"Will you please look at me?" Jin ask softly, letting a hand caress his jaw.

Jungkook hyperventilate lightly, while Jin carefully move his face up by his chin, to make his eyes meet his.

Jungkook almost stop breathing, the second their eyes lock together.

The hybrids in the room smirk at each other.

Yoongi mouth a soft count down to, and as he finally mouth 1, Jin place his lips on Jungkook's, taking the hybrid by surprise.

"I knew it" Jimin squeal happily, making the two lovers pull apart, a soft blush covering both of their faces.

"Did you zing?" Taehyung ask curiously.

"Shut up Taehyung" Jungkook respond in a shaking voice, his face a deep red.

"I take that as a yes"

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