chapter 6

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Venus saw red, but before she could run out of the room to control her desire to murder Ariana, Kaya had other plans.

She pushed through and controlled Venus's body. Despite Venus's attempts to try to gain back control, there was no avail, Kaya wanted blood, and what she wanted she got.

"Get your filthy hands off him!" Kaya growled ferociously, her eyes completely glazed over.

Ariana gasped in surprise and then looked at Dante who had the same look before he masked it skillfully.

"Babyy, you're going to let her talk to me like that?" Ariana whined, looking expectantly at Dante who was looking straight at Venus, his face blank.

"I said get your hands off him," Kaya growled, this time a clear warning in her voice, promising deadly consequences.

Ariana, slightly startled pulled her hands away from the alpha and now glared at Venus.

"First of all, mind your own business omega, what happens between my mate and me is none of your fucking business," she snarled, her real side coming out. A true selfish bitch.

'We are not mates and I'm asking you to leave for the last time,' Dante growled out, he was on call in the living room when Ariana uninvitedly showed up trying to seduce him, 

despite his attempts at getting her off him she was very insistent, he wasn't able to get her off him without having to use physical force he realized, but he wasn't one to harm women, so while he was trying to shrug her off him,

 that's how Venus found them, Arianas hands around him and his on her waist trying to push her away without being aggressive, 

A sinister smile spread across Venus's face, Kaya was out to play. And she wouldn't give Ariana a free pass this time.

In a flash, she had Ariana by the throat, pressed up against the wall as she applied pressure, cutting off her airway.

Ariana clawed at Venus hands, her face turning purple almost from the lack of oxygen.

Behind then a deep voice stopped Kaya from completely finishing off the pathetic she-wolf she was holding by the neck.

"That's enough," Dante commanded, his voice thick with authority.

Kaya stood unfazed, she turned around, smirked at Dante, and continued to apply pressure to her throat.

Venus now understanding why Dante was stopping her, realized if she didn't stop she was soon to have blood on her hands if she didn't push back Kaya, she finally took back control and let her hands drop.

Ariana took deep breaths, holding her bruised neck, as she coughed heavily.

Ariana then looked up at Venus, she stood up with an evil smile on her face, ready to launch herself at Venus. 

"Well well well, would you look at that, a petty worthless little omega wants to play with the alphas mate," she sneered, riling Venus up.

The air shifted upon her words, now authority was rolling off Venus in waves. Her brown eyes that were filled with anger were now glowing silver, it was as if looking at the moon.

The main front door burst open, but Venus still paid no heed, she wanted blood, the wench had challenged her and a challenge she would get.

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