Ch.20: The calls

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Hey, long time no update! Thanks for those of you that actually waited patiently .. I think one of the reasons why I lost motivation to write this story was because of the lack of feedback but .. I have the writing feels back! :)

Problem is, I lack time now. Consider I started school last week, and I'm a freshmen taking pre-ap classes such as chemistry, careers in STEM, algebra II and computer science, so I have homework and projects and whatnot.

But I still hope to go back to my weekly updating routine, so I'm glad you guys waited patiently and you shall have my update that I wrote in the middle of the night for you guys .. Enjoy~!

P.S- sorry if this chapter seems off from the rest .. It's been a while since I wrote the story and there's quite a time skip.


"Please can I have a free coffee?" Himchan whined at the bakery. I was working as the clerk and I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"For the millionth time, NO," I said in a bothered tone.

He chuckled and took out money from his wallet. "I'm kidding. I'll pay for it."

After he paid for his coffee, someone else walked in and it was Chris' and Dulce's aunt. She usually comes often now, but she avoids me like she doesn't like me. As long as she doesn't recognize me ..

She passed by the counter and glanced at both me and Himchan, then headed to find surely Dulce's parents.

"Yah, who is she that she just gets to go to the back?" Himchan asked in a low voice.

"It's just their relative, she comes often," I whispered back. Wait, why are we whispering, we're speaking in Korean ..

"Oh. So at what time do you get off work?" He asked again.

I sighed. "You already know."

"But it's too long," He complained.

"If you don't wanna be here then leave, it's your day off. You should be home instead, relaxing," I suggested.

He grabbed my hand from the other side of the counter. "But I wanna be with you."

I pulled away my hand and gave him a glare. "You might get me in trouble."

"Sorry," He pouted. I shook my head while smiling, because he's just too cute.

He sat there, watching people come and go and keeping me company as Dulce would come in and out, putting the pastries in the front. I hadn't seen Chris all day for some reason, but I just haven't been able to ask Dulce because of all the customers. I was still wondering until I saw him walk in.

"Diana!" He exclaimed with a smile, still remembering to call me by my fake name.

"Chris! Where have you been?" I asked. He came up to me and leaned over the counter.

"Don't tell my mom, but .. I'm looking for a new job," He whispered.

I looked at him in surprise. "Why?"

"I want to get paid, I don't get paid here and I want to make my own money now. I mean, I'll still help out here and work here but I'll have a second job to give me money," He explained.

"And .. Where do you plan to work?" I asked.

He sighed. "I don't know. I keep getting rejected for not graduating high school."

"Aw, well, I'm sure there's a place where it doesn't require high school education .. Kinda .." I said, thinking over the simple jobs.

"I'll still keep looking. But for now, back to making donuts," He exclaimed, giving me a smile before going to the back.

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