Chapter 3: HE'S A HUMAN?!?

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑


I decided to let Jungkook out from his cage since he's not being held as a prisoner. I fed Jungkook before cooking my own breakfast.

I just cooked bacon and fried the rice. I placed down a plate at the table and placed my food there and stared eating. Jungkook was in my lap sleeping and he's so adorable.

After I finished I placed Jungkook gently on the couch and did the dishes.

I came back to the couch, but what I found out was way out of my imagination. There was a naked guy staring at me. I swallowed all of my saliva in every corner inside my mouth. Then the guy tried to reach me, but I ran back to my bedroom.

I locked the door and walled back and forth sweating like crazy.

"Who the hell was that?"

"How the hell did he get inside?!?"

A lot of questions popped out inside my mind and it kept lingering. I'm getting a headache! Why does fate have to play with me?

Oh no! I left Jungkook outside!

Oh please please Lord hear my prayer, don't let Jungkook get hurt keep him out of danger! He's the only one I have left! I feel like I'm going to faint.

Wait... I should call Jimin!

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and then opened it—

"Damn it! There's no battery! And I left my charger outside"

I felt my eyes getting watery—

"NO! I'm going to be independent and take that man down! Even though he's really handsome I still don't care what if he's dangerous?"

I quickly grabbed my pillow (yup that will TOTALLY protect me) and then slowly unlocked my door.

My ears didn't hear anything, but crying? It sounded like a man crying... Wait it's the man! I could take advantage of this situation hehehehe.

As I get closer to the man who was crying on the couch I could here his faint voice calling... my name?

"Areum..." He whispered under his breath.

He was clearly breathing heavily, because he was crying his heart out.

My heart softened and felt sad for this anonymous young man. I bit my lip to prevent any sound to come out, because he would probably look behind him.

I quietly grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and sat beside the guy. I know this looks pretty dumb like I'm the stupidest girl ever, but I have a soft spot for guys that are crying.

The man's head turned to my direction and I covered his body with the white cloth. When his swollen red eyes found mine they quickly turned into a waterfalls.

I awkwardly watched him cry, because I'm too scared to go close to him. But my hands started to feel itchy to comfort him. Since his crying got heavier and louder I didn't hesitate or thinker twice to secure my arms around him.

"Shhh..." I caressed his back to try to calm him down and it worked!

"A-areum....  It-it's me... Ju-jungkook" He said sniffing.


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