Phase 3: Breaking Free, part 1

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"Yes, it's true we have exposed several illegal Neoclash arenas in Hungary. I work for Wardens for some years already, but what I saw sickened me. These arenas basically served as concentration camps for Castaways. They fought to death without the INF system active - the present Yeomen actively placed bets on the winner and showed a sick pleasure when a Castaway died.

The arenas were closed and every person who took part in its running, both actively and passively, was arrested. However, we are aware that this is only the top of the iceberg. There are countless of such arenas throughout the whole Europe. They tend to be well hidden and its administrators strictly check every person before letting them in. The police often turns a blind eye to this business in exchange for rich bribes. However, the Wardens will continue to tirelessly prosecute such sickening criminality."

· An anonymous Warden about the illegal so-called "death arenas" in Europe

· An anonymous Warden about the illegal so-called "death arenas" in Europe

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It can't wait any longer.

Valentina can start to see through me at any moment and every day is an additional risk. Maybe she's aware I wasn't completely genuine right from the start. In that case, I can't wait until she makes another move.

Nighttime Bifröst is still a busy place. The street lights are on and many Castaways are enjoying the nightlife in one of the pubs scarcely scattered throughout the city. I have a hood on - I can't risk anyone recognizing me. I am well known among Valentina's army. In all possible kinds of way.

Several holographic waypoints lead me to the research center near the city outskirts (in other words: near the wall Valentina built to isolate the city completely). I know that what I'm searching for can be found in the local hospitals, but these are open even overnight.

Unlike the scientific facilities.

I can't be sure I will find what I'm searching for, but I have to try. The worst thing: my mission will require a stealthy approach and both my physical and psychical state play against it.

I will have to deny who I am. For the last time.

The main entrance to a tall, stepped tower called the Spire is open. I've heard it's one of the main research centers of medical science. Let's give it a chance.

I didn't expect the inside of the building to be so dark and labyrinthine. Also, my missing eye is a bigger disadvantage than I thought. My ability to see in the dark and depth perception suffered a lot and only faint lights here and there help me to navigate through the hallways.

After nearly two hours of senseless wandering, I start to lose patience. Maybe I should just express my true self and storm the nearest hospital. However, it would be the death of me since the whole city would turn against me. It has to be done with as little fuss as possible.

Finally, I notice a cold blue light coming through the glass-fronted door leading into some sort of lab, I think. I carefully approach it, but it's hard not to make any noise when you weigh over a hundred kilograms. I have to hope nobody's there.

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