Rabia and Baktash

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Rabia and Baktash: Love between a princess and a slave

Rabia, known as Rabia Balkhi, was the daughter of Kaab, king of Balkh, Sistan, Kandahar and Bost provinces, probably around 950 AD. Rabia is considered to be the first persian woman poet and a contemporary of the great persian poet, Rudaki, who lived in khorasan (now known as Afghanistan).

However, the story of Rabia is the tale of a faithful woman caught in a tragic triangle between her kind father, her cruel brother and her lover.

Rabia was kaab's only daughter. Rabia was said to be very beautiful with a petite figure and a lovely voice. She spoke with extraordinary talent. Her inspiring poetry the heart of everyone. Her father was especially attached to her and constantly thought about her future. Realizing her unusual talent, he called her "Zain-ul-Arab" (the beauty of Arab).

When Kaab was on his deathbed, he summoned his son, Haris and entrusted his beloved daughter to him, saying, "Many princes have asked me for Rabia's hand in marriage but no one is worthy of her. If you find someone worthy, do what you think is best to make her life happy."

Haris accepted his father's words and then succeeded his father as king. He loved his sister very much and she became dearer to him than his own life.

But destiny played another game. One day Haris hosted a big feast in honor of having succeeded to his father's throne. The feast was held in one of Balkh's beautiful, fertile gardens.

The surroundings were exquisite; lush green lawns, dazzling, colorful flowers and a quiet, fresh stream flowing among the trees and flowers. The King's throne was placed on a high balcony.

King Haris sat on the throne with such radiance, as though he was the sun himself. Elders and courtiers saluted and congratulated the king. Everyone was enjoying the party. Servants and slaves glided around the royal throne like jewels, graciously serving all the guests. Among all the servants was one unique young man, Valiant and unusually attractive. He shone like the moon among the stars. Everyone admired his looks. He was the guardian for the king's treasure, a special and mist trustworthy servant of the king. His name was Baktash.

When Rabia heard about the feast, she climbed on to the palace roof to watch the event. As she observed all that was going on, her eyes suddenly fell on Baktash who was standing near the king, always at the King's service. Sometimes he served the king, his face glowing with beauty, some times he played the Rubab, singing like a nightingale. When Rabia saw the attractive young man, a spark of love ignited in her heart. She fell helplessly in love with him. From the on, her nights knew no sleep and her days no comfort. A storm of of thoughts and longing overcame her. She we profusely and her heart melted like a candle.

After an year of intense sorrow and grief, she grew faint and became bedridden. Her brother called for the royal physicians to treat her but all was in vain.

Rabia had a special maid as her confidant. She was not only kind and compassionate, but also very clever and intelligent. With her wit, she was able to convince Rabia to reveal her secret. Rabia poured out her heart to her, telling her everything about her love for Baktash.

Rabia asked her maid to approach Baktash and let him know of her heartache. But he must not disclose this secret to anyone else. Rabia also wrote a letter to her beloved. She also sketched a portrait of herself in the letter and sent it off.

And so finally, the maid informed Baktash of everything. When Baktash saw the letter along with the beautiful sketch of Rabia, he was overcame by such passionate love for her it was as if he had known her for years. He burned in love for Rabia though he had never seen her

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