⏩Sal Fisher : Attraction⏪

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It's been months since you've been hanging out with Larry and Sal. Usually you'd be on your own since you didn't really had anyone to call a best friend. Sometimes you'd hang out with Larry for Sanity's Fall, Ash for girl problems, Todd for Science, and pretty much everyone else for a certain purpose.

But now? You were glad that you have someone to call best friends now. It was Larry or Sal who would tell you to join them for lunch the first few days Sal got to really know you, until it became an automatic thing where you would just join them. 

At first you were a bit uncomfortable because you would really just be in the courtyard reading a book, sometimes in the middle of lunch you would excuse yourself to just stay out in the courtyard to read. 

They were patient with you though, and were really happy that you got around to finally joking around with them and hanging out with them at Addison Apartments.

Though, through the months, Sal suddenly noticed that you were suddenly looking so attractive. When they would all laugh, he would glance at you to see if you were laughing too. Sometimes he knows when you would smile and be able to see it blooming into your face. He noticed that he had been staring at you a lot, and it's weird for him. He can even feel his face warming when you'd smile at him or when you'd smile in general. 

"KICK HIS ASS!" You shout at Larry, who's currently in the process of beating up the boss of the new video game she bought. The three of you were at your house, since your parents were always out then it's an option for the three of you to hang out at your place. "BREAK HIS BONES!"

Sal is sitting on the couch, not wanting to sit on the floor like Larry and you are. Though his attention is entirely focused on you and not at Larry as you shout words of encouragement. He forgot what the game's all about, but he's definitely enjoying the watching you right now. 


It's very loud in the living room with you and Larry shouting at the TV, but he doesn't mind. As long as he gets to see you smile and be happy.


Suddenly the three of you were dancing in your living room, jamming out to the victory song of Mario. 

Now he remembers, you were playing Super Mario Brothers, you bought it just this afternoon so you guys can take turns in playing it. 

"We won! We won! We won the fucking game!" You cheer, heading over to squeeze Sal into a hug, and then bouncing over to Larry to give him the same treatment.

Sal is frozen on the spot, his ears red. That's when he realised that you were goddamn attractive, and that he had a serious crush on you.

By the way Larry is smirking at him, he knew that he's falling hard.

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