⏩Ashley Campbell : Confession⏪

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author's note : o o f i have been too focused on my oneshot book and my sf fanfic that i nearlu forgot about this one, luckily i saw my notes in my notebook ahaaaa let's get on writing and hope you enjoy!!

"Hey Ash, can I borrow your phone?" Sal asks after sipping on the hot chocolate he bought. Once again they are at Starbucks, but they're waiting for Todd and Larry for a hang out that is long overdue. Larry's been stuck in his dorm room painting, as does Todd but he's been programming. Sal's found anywhere as long as he can go study, because the boy found a sudden hobby to read as much books as he can, even if it's just his text books. 

"Sure. Do text Larry while you're at it, also Todd, haven't seen them in days, man." Ash doesn't spare him a glance as she continues to mindless sketch on her sketchbook, bored out of her mind as she waits for the other two boys to arrive. She uses her free hand to take her phone from her bag and hand it to Sal, who has been paying attention to what she has been sketching. 

"Alright." He stares a bit longer at her sketchpad, before unlocking her phone and pressing the Gallery app before texting the other two. He slowly smiles under the mask, seeing multiple selfies of you and Ash in class, in the cafeteria, in the courtyard, on a bench, really anywhere you would meet up. He lowly whispers, commenting, "That's a lot of selfies."

"Need'ta take pictures whenever I can." Ash mumbles, still sketching. Sal glances down at her paper again, still smiling under his prosthetic. He takes a sip of his hot chocolate drink, a little too loud to catch her attention. She looks up at him, though her eyes didn't meet his as she catches the sly smile on his lips. Suspicious, she looks at him as she asks, "What?"

"What what?" Sal repeats, his eyes glinting in mischief. 

"What the fuck?" Ash sits up straight, now even more suspicious of his sudden prodding. She looks down at her phone in his hands, and he could see the blush spreading across her cheeks like wildfire. He lets out a cackle as she seems to dive over her phone, actually just grabbing it from his hands and holding it close to her chest. 

"I'm not judging, you need to take pictures whenever you can." He says in a smug tone, lifting his mask a bit to take a sip of his drink. "Uhuh, I believe you Ash."

"You can shut the fuck up about it, Fisher." Ash grumbles, pink still tinting the spot by her cheekbones. She coughs into her hand, weakly glaring at him when he still has that smug look in his eyes. She groans, crossing her arms and asking, "What do you want to know?"

"She's in our campus??" He asks in return, leaning on the table as he is eager to know.

"Yeah, turns out we take the same Photography class." She answers, tilting her head. "We meet up sometimes when I'm going around and taking photos."

"She's that, right?" Sal points at the counter. Ash turns to look, watching you talk to the customer with a kind smile and a gentle voice. She turns back to Sal, looking a bit content. Seeing Sal's face made her drop the mood, faking a frown.

"Not a word, Fisher." She playfully threatens.

"Oh come on! I could tell that she likes you back!" Sal whines, lightly tapping the table with his hand. He picks up her drink, turning it around to show her written name, "Look, she put a heart next to your name!"

Before she could defend herself, Sal picks up his own drink, showing the name written on his cup having no heart. 

That sends Ash into a mushy mess, hiding her face into her hands as she mumbles how cute you are and all that. Sal snickers, putting down her drink and shaking his drink to mix the contents around. He watches as she goes through a series of hiding her face into her hands, hitting her head against the table, and slapping her cheeks with both hands. 

"You're so in love." He teases, taking a sip of his hot chocolate drink once more. She looks up at him, weakly glaring.

"Yo yo yo, guess who finished a painting!"

Larry jumps into the seat next to Sal, quickly slinging a hand over his shoulder, "What's up my dude, what's crackin'?"

"First, Larry, the fuck's up with your choice of words," Sal says, causing Ash to snort and let out a giggle. Larry rolls his eyes, and Sal continues, "Secondly, Ash has a crush on the girl at the counter."

"Oh, the cute H/C haired one?" Larry looks over Ash's head to get a good look at the counter, and turns back to smirk at his best friend. Ash hides her face into her hands, feeling embarrassed at the two. She could handle one of them each, but when they join forces, it's double the embarrassment and double the teasing. Larry nods, turning back to Ash, "She cute, she cute, I'd tap that."

"Hands off, Larry, this is Ash's crush." Sal jokes, lightly hitting Larry on the shoulder. "Though let's see what would happen if we try to flirt with her-"

"Larry, what drink do you want? I'm going to buy you a drink." Ash says through grit teeth, trying not to look too embarrassed. Too late for that, her face is already red from blushing too much. The two boys in front of her laugh, taking a moment to calm down from their fit.

"Just an American, dude, I haven't slept since Thursday." Larry grins. Ash and Sal stare at him.

"But today's Wednesday?" Sal questions, confused. Larry only smiles at them, and the two of them let out groans.

"You need sleep, man." Ash scolds, standing up from her chair. "But I'm still buying you coffee."

"Thanks Ash!"

"No problem, dude."

Ash turns to head on over to the counter, luckily there's no line formed. 

"Hey Ash!" You greet as you look up from the cash register, smiling as you should. "What do you like?"

"You." She bluntly replies, then looking up at the overhead menu. Your ears turn red at her answer, trying to come up with a response but failing as you stutter and stumble over your words. She turns back to you, saying, "Oh, also an Americano."

"Th-That- That would be-" You continue to stutter, flustered from her straightforwardness. She hands you the money, smiling sweetly. You take it, giving her back the change as fast as you can. Seeing as there's no line forming behind her, you decide to come up with a witty response of your own, "Is.. Is it a take out?"

"The Americano? Oh, no, just you." She replies, still smiling. You nod, a bit dumbfounded but more so flustered.

"My shift is over after five." You shyly respond, writing her name on the cup and handing it to your co-workers for them to pour the coffee in. Ash winks at you before heading back to your table, and you try not to act up since you were still working. 

Getting back to the table, Larry and Sal stares at Ash with dumbfounded looks.

"Just what did you say to her?" Larry asks, going from staring at Ash to you at the counter. "She looks like she's about to cry in happiness or something."

"You embarrassed me up to the point that I gained confidence." Ash replies, suddenly face-planting onto the table. The two males yelp in response, moving away from the table as she smacks her face onto it. She quickly looks up, putting her head in her hands, "Did I just get a date??"

"YOU ASKED HER OUT?!" Sal exclaims, happiness evident in his voice.

"Did you ask her for a take out?" Larry asks, snickering at his joke.

"Actually, she asked me what I like and I said her and-" Ash buries her face into the table, whining, "Bros, I actually got a date, unbelievable but I'm so fucking happy."

"One Americano for Ash!" They hear from the counter. Larry stands up, being the one to take his coffee as Ash is still trying to move on.

"Congrats Ash, you managed to ask her out." Sal laughs, ruffling her hair. "I'm proud of you girl."

"What did I miss?"

Ash looks up, seeing Todd having just arrived. Sal smiles from under his mask, "Oh buddy, you should've been here minutes ago."

author's note : look at ash the lesbian mess, lmao ⏪

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