So I think death came for me

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A few months ago I was sound asleep when something woke me up. I remember the first thing I felt before I woke up was terror. I've felt fear before but nothing like this; I hadn't even opened my eyes yet and I felt my life was in danger.

I sleep on my right side and my clock in on the night stand in front of me when I open my eyes from this position. I remember looking at the clock to see what time it was and thinking to my self why I would be awake at 3AM. It took a few moments before I realized that the clock was moving. Then I felt the hands, six pairs of them on my left side... It wasn't the clock that was moving, it was me. I was being violently rocked back and forth by those hands, to the point where I would almost be tossed from the bed before being reefed back.

My mind started racing, I kept trying to think of what might be happening. "Sleep paralysis." I thought, I was having a nightmare and partially woke up, but that didn't make sense because I was having a very non-nightmareish dream involving some lovely young ladies. "I have to see these hands." Was my next thought. "Once I look and see nothings there I'll realize it's just me rocking my self and my sleep addled mind making up a reason for it."

I slowly raised my head. It was very difficult, my muscles didn't want to move. Further evidence of sleep paralysis. I brought my head up to look down the length of my body and was shocked to see six pairs of roughly hand shaped indents in the covers, precisely where I felt them rocking me. The rocking had stopped when I lifted my head but the pressure was still there, firm but not painful. Then I saw it...

In the corner of my room, standing near the open door was a tall hooded and cloaked figure. Even though my room is quite bright because of the street lamps outside this thing was in full shadow, in a part of my room and should have been fully visible. I remember quite clearly that the only thing really visible was it's hands, They were skeletal and gleamed in the ambient light. Then I looked where it's face would have been but it was completely black. Shadowed by the hood I could only make out one detail. Where it's eyes should have been were two pits of deeper black.

"It's just a dream," I thought "It can't hurt me." It chuckled. Not a particularly menacing chuckle, more like one of mild amusement. It sounded like something echoing up from a cave. I rolled over and shut my eyes, and all at once the pressure on my side stopped. I thought it was over until I felt something sit on the bed beside me. My nose was filled with the stench of rotting flesh as I felt it lean towards me. It felt like and eternity went by before I heard it whisper one word in my ear.


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