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First two chapters will be background needed for the fic to progressed :)

Bug me on Instagram if you want me to update faster: @/theloufactor ;)

Word count: 1885 (edited)


Auditioning for The X-Factor was a dream in itself. In order for subs to audition, they had to have the family dominant sign papers upon papers because of the intensity and traveling that would take place in the show. The X-Factor didn't want to be sued for any damage subs were caused, as they tend to be sensitive.

Harry Styles didn't believe that Robin, his family dominant, would allow him to audition.

Yes, Robin was one of the most lenient doms he had ever met, but his step-father tended to be a little overprotective. It took months of pleading to get Robin to even consider letting him start a band with his friends. His mother ended up having to get involved. Anne was a submissive as well. She was the person Harry went to for anything, so he had asked her for help in convincing her dom.

It was because of this that Harry was extremely surprised about the conversation which took place when asking about auditioning.

Harry had been helping his mother with dinner, as he was expected to, when he finally gathered up the courage to ask. Robin was sitting at the table using his phone to respond to business emails. Harry turned away from the sink, plates in his hands and walked to the table to start setting them down. He looked down and saw how shaky his hands were before taking a deep breath.

"Dad?" he said as he set down the first plate. "I want to ask you something really important." His heart was pounding in his chest. Robin looked up from his phone as Harry set down a second plate.

"Yes? What is it, Harry?" His voice was gentle, warm.

A third plate was set down. "I . . . um, I have been thinking . . . and I was wondering if you would allow me to audition for The X-Factor?" Harry set down the last plate right in front of his father. He stood beside him, the black swirls on the back of his left hand almost glaring at him.

What if Robin said no? Harry wouldn't be able to do anything. After all he was "just a dumb sub," as old fashioned doms would put it.

It was silent for a few painful seconds before Robin finally spoke up.

"Okay," he said blankly. "Print out the papers you need me to sign as soon as you can." He turned back to his phone. Harry's mouth dropped in shock and out of the corner of his eye he saw that his mother was in the same state. 

"Really, Dad?! You're being serious?!" he yelled excitedly, jumping a bit in his spot.

Robin nodded and turned back to the boy. "You are very talented, son. Seeing you sing with that band of yours makes me happy and if you believe you can win, then I do too."

Harry flushed with pride and smiled big at his family dominant. He was so excited and he just hoped and prayed he would make it all the way.


He didn't make it past boot camp.


Harry was put in a band with four other boys: three dominants and one submissive. They called themselves One Direction. 


One Direction was very well received in the competition. Boys and girls fell over their feet for a chance to be the submissive to one of the doms, others puffing up their chests for a chance to be a dominant to one of the subs.

One Direction placed third in the competition and got signed to a record label.


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