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"I'm never gonna hear the end of this!" Louis seethed,"How dare he embarrass me like that!?"

"I can't believe he said that in a live interview!" Liam said in anger,"What the hell is wrong with him!?"

The two were pacing angrily in opposite directions in front of the couch and crossing each other every few seconds. Each expressing their anger at the occurrences of today.

Harry sat silently in the middle of the couch, his eyes set on where his hands were fidgeting on his lap. He sniffled as he listened to his dom and his friend.

"Don't you think you guys should calm down?" Niall asked from the kitchen,"You're scaring Harry and Zayn."

Zayn looked up from where he was making dinner,"What?" He asked in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed,"I'm not scared."

Niall rolled his eyes and motioned at Harry,"Okay, well, you're scaring Harry."

Louis took a deep breath and took a seat next to Harry,"I'm sorry, Love. I just absolutely despise how Kimmel treated you. He had never treated you like that before and for it to have changed as soon as you were matched absolutely disgusts me."

"It was my fault, Sir." Harry sniffled, "I should have kept quiet until you responded first. I was a bad sub."

Louis shook his head,"No, you weren't. Jimmy is an asshole, who overstepped his boundaries. He was wrong to make those comments. I'm angry I had to step in for him to shut his mouth."

Harry shook his head, hand going up to tug lightly at his collar,"I don't deserve—"

"And I stop you there." Louis snapped,"I decide whether you deserve your collar or not, not you. Is that understood?"

Harry immediately lowered his eyes in submission and with a small sniffle said,"Yes, Sir."

Liam groaned from where he was still pacing,"There's gonna be articles about this in the next hour. How many of them are going to call Harry a bad sub? Or Louis an inadequate dom? Fuck."

"Kimmel was out of line." Zayn said,"The public will clearly see that."

Niall shook his head and sighed,"I really don't think the public will see it that way, I mean what happened was looked terrible."

"Joining us today, the biggest boy band in the world, One Direction!" Jimmy Kimmel introduced, the crowd erupting in cheers and screams.

The boys made their way to the couch, shaking hands with Jimmy and then sitting. Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall.

"Hi, Jimmy." Liam greeted with a charming smile,"It's been a while."

"Yeah, yeah. A lot has happened since then." Jimmy wiggles his eyebrows towards Louis and Harry.

Louis laughed,"Yeah, a lot has happened since last time we were here." He glanced at Harry with a smile on his face, his eyes scanning Harry's blushing face and the dimples he was showing.

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