10. When Hearts Collide

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"An island full of titan wings?" Fishlegs gasped in excitement, "that's such an amazing find!"

The riders had made it back to Berk safely, and Eret must've been feeling better because he told his story with drama and confidence. He sat around a campfire with numerous other Vikings, including the riders. "It sure is," Eret confirmed proudly, "and poor Midnight never left because he was being bullied by all the bigger dragons."

"You saw dragons bigger than Midnight?!" Astrid asked in woah.

"That's right," he went on, "monsterous nightmare, thunderdrum, timberjack; all titan wings."

"Yet all living together," Hiccup observed in wonder.

Eret nodded proudly and went on, "was thinking of calling it, Titan Island."

"That's perfect," Hiccup agreed with a grin.

Aria then came over to the group, a smile on her face. "Eret," she called.

Eret looked from her to the group of fascinated Vikings and grinned. "'Be right back." As he walked away, the others began to chatter with enthusiasm about the island of titan wings. "What can I do for you, Ms. Haddock?" He asked dramatically.

Aria rolled her eyes playfully and signalled for him to follow her to her almost complete house. "You can let me rewrap those wounds in real bandages," she told him, "plus, I haven't checked them since I first wrapped them."

Once they reached the hut, the two entered it.  Eret looked around with raised eyebrows and complimented, "you've really brought this place together..except for the roof." He looked up to where there was only a frame of a roof.

"Thanks," Aria responded with a smile. She grabbed a bundle of white cloth from her table and turned to Eret. He casually turned around and took off his shirt. It felt odd to Aria, having such a handsome man in her home with no shirt, but she reminded herself that she was just treating a wound.

Carefully, she unwrapped his upper body. Examining the wounds, she dabbed the dried blood away with a wet cloth. "No infection," she sighed in relief, "they're looking much better." Once the blood was cleaned off completely, Aria ordered, "let that breath for a bit."

Eret did just that. He turned around to watch Aria toss a few herbs into a bowl. When she looked back over at him, however, her eyes landed directly on the scar on his chest. It was a symbol of sorts, and looked almost like he'd been branded.

"Life as a trapper," Eret explained with a dry laugh as he realized what she was thinking, "this was for making one mistake, just one." He pointed at the scar.

"I can't imagine what that must've felt like," Aria empathized and began to mash the herbs. She gestured for Eret to turn back around.

As she dripped the juices onto his wounds, he responded, "probably had a similar sting to changewing acid."

Aria laughed a bit and began to wrap the white bandages around him once again. This was done in silence. Every time her fingers touched his skin, an electric shock seemed to joint them both. When she finished, she tucked the end into the firm wrappings and spoke, "there."

Eret turned around to see her once again. "Thank you..again."

"You're thanking me?" Aria laughed a bit, "you brought my best friend back, and risked your life doing so; thank you, Eret."

Feeling his cheeks blush, Eret shrugged and averted his gaze as he tried to keep his cool. "Well, it wasn't all me. Skullcrusher helped immensely."

Aria smiled in amusement, staring up into his face. It was less than a foot from her own, but she didn't mind; she liked being close to him. Hesitantly, she reached up to his chin, and his eyes fell back onto hers. Eret felt her trace the lines on his chin delicately. Watching her in wonder, he breathed out and chuckled lightly.

"What is it?" Aria asked softly, a smile on her lips as she let her hand travel to his bare shoulder.

"You are..." He began, a smile of admiration on his face, "you're breathtaking.."

Aria blushed like never before, but had no time to voice her embarrassment. Eret carefully wrapped her into his large arms and leaned down, kissing her directly on her lips. Aria felt her legs give out, but Eret's arms held her firmly against his body, keeping her from falling. Her eyes fluttered closed, but Eret soon pulled away.

Letting go of Aria, he rubbed the back of his neck and took a step back, stuttering, "s-sorry..I didn't--" but he was cut off by Aria pulling him back down to kiss her again. She rested her hands on his collar bones. His skin warm and soft to the touch, and his lips were gentle yet fierce. Feeling his arms snake back around her waist was one of the best things she'd ever experienced.

When she pulled away, their lips made a small suction noise. Eret rested his forehead against Aria's and for a moment, there was silence. The two stood still, holding eachother, breathing the same air, smiling to themselves.

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