Rescuing Michael

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Mr. Shark, I don't feel so good after writing this ._.

'Chloe, w-why am I even here?' Michael growled, he was nervous. And it seemed like Chloe picked up on that. 'Oh my god, you are too freaking adorable.' My hand clutches into a fist, I'm jealous.

'Um, thanks, Chloe . . .' I hear his back get pressed against the door.

Chloe slurred, 'Do you wanna hang?' I hear Michael pressed his head to the door, I clutch the doorknob. 'Do you wanna hang, do you wanna hang for a bit?'

I start to shake, fury curling up my back and tears sparking my eyes. 'Just you and me, intimately~ talking about all of our feelings and shit.' I hear the word shit roll off her tongue in a seductive way, ew.

She continued, 'Do you wanna get, do you wanna get, do you wanna get really deep? If I get erect, you can rock this baby fast asleep~' I try opening the door, frantically. It's hard, 'cause I'm shaking. The door is locked.

'Chloe, I'm gay.' Michael growled, I heard him struggle to push her away, 'Shut up Michael, drink this.' She purred 'It's not milk.'

I heard Michael try to say something, before something was shoved into his mouth. He coughs, and shoved her away. 'What the f-fuck,' he coughs 'make it s-stop.'

I heard her push him back on the door, 'Mmph-' I hear his muffled screams, I think she's kissing him. I jump to my feet, I start banging on the door. I hear them jump, I hear him push her away and hear her fall to the ground.

Michael inhales sharply and unlocks the door, he opens it and jumps out. He slams it. I grab his hand, he screams, but I drag him down the stairs and race him toward the bathroom.

When I get us inside the bathroom, I throw him on the floor and slam the door. I lock it and start shaking, as I stare at the door. Silence nags at my back, and makes my neck hairs stand on end like a cat.

'Je-Je-Jeremy?' Michaels voice sends shivers down my spine, I look at him. 'Michael.' I breath, it's been such a long time since I have faced him. I stare at him blankly, I don't identity all the emotions I feel right now.

My shoulders relaxed, as I take in his terrified gaze. His dark eyes were small shaking seeds, he was just as tense as anxious the last time I had a close up view of him. I walk over and sit next to him, he tenses up and I put a finger over his lips 'Shh, breath.' He nodded frantically.

I watch silently as he took several deep breaths, after awhile he relaxed a bit and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing escaped his lips. He didn't trust his mouth right now. I blink slowly, and hold the sides of my arms. I smile softly, and breath a soft whisper 'Hi.'

Michael blinked twice, and then straightened up 'Jeremy, I-I didn't know you were invited to this party.' My smile drops, I'm disappointed. First conversation after what? Months? For me it was like a thousand, boring years passed by. I've been thinking of this moment. What he would say to me? I had this pissed off, but then bittersweet monologue. An epic journey of twelve of friendship, and months of depressing and unfortunate one-sided love. Yeah, we'd walk out of the party. We'd find a way to get that thing out of his head. And live our well-deserves happily ever after. As friends. Together. I don't care.

'I wasn't invited by Jake,' I admitted, my hands trailed down my arms and my fingers fiddled over the other 'I was brought by Christine . .' I gulp, I look at him 'And I brought a' I look down to his hoodie and point to it 'very clever disguise . . .'

Michael stared at the hoodie, his hoodie. Pain swum in his eyes. He didn't speak, he was speechless and could only stare at me. I'm still disappointed. 'So, I guess the SQUIP's got your tongue?' I say, looking away from him and clutching the side of my arms again. I turn my away from him.

'No, Jeremy it's . . .' He grabbed my arm, just like before, with a strong grip. Making my decorated arms sting with pain, I hiss in pain and tense up. But I refuse to swat his hand away, I know he will get suspicious and find out. I don't want him to know I've had cutting parties without him. 'It's off . . .'

'T-That would e-explain why y-you're speaking t-to me.' I look at him, my lips trembling. His eyes shined at the reflection of the bathroom light, and the seeds grew into big moons. He pulls me into a hug, a hug I wasn't expecting. A tight one. One I've missed. One I loved.

'W-What?' I stammer, more layers of lines are born under my eyes. I feel him press our bodies together, and I feel heat race up on my cheeks. I gulp when he says 'It's just really good to see you,' he pulled away and beamed softly 'thank you so much.'

I look at him, now it's my turn to be speechless, I gulp. 'You'll be thanking me even more. O-Once you hear what I find out.' Michael blinks twice, 'Found out?' I sigh, and tap his head. He blinked, and lowered his head 'Oh . . .'

He looked at me, and breathed 'Please, tell me.' He tensed up, 'Tell me what you know.' He is willing to listen, that's good. I gulp, and shove my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. I explain to him,

'I started asking around, and then. This guy I play Warcraft with . . . Told me how his brother went from a straight D student, to a freshmen at Harvard.' I pause, my friends worlds repeating in my head in texts. I imagine someone saying his exact words, I don't know who, but it was someone. 'D-Do you know where his brother is now?' Michael paused, taking in all that information. He thought about his response, and asked 'U-Um . . Is he really happy, is he successful? Or something?' I look at Michael, and take my hands out of the pockets and clutch the side of his arms gently.

'He's in a mental hospital.'

Michael gasped, and was speechless. Lines formed over others under his eyes, and all he could do was stare at me. When he spoke, he stuttered 'O-Oh my god.' I take my hands off his shoulders and look at him with a frown 'He totally l-lost it.' He gulped, and looked down. He was speechless again. I look at him in distress and start asking shaky questions.

'Who made them? How did they end up in a high school?' I flail my arms 'In New Jersey?!'

I look down in distress, my hands start to shake against the cold floor 'Of all possible applications for s-such mindblowingly advanced technology, you ever wonder w-what it's doing to you?' I look at him, he shares a similar frantic expression to mine. He bit his lip, and looked down. He frowns and looks up, tears threatened to fall out of his eyes 'I-It made me l-lose you.'

His voice was just as broken as a vase that's previously fallen to the ground, shattered, and broken. But, if I help him, fix him, I can repair this vase. And make something beautiful out of it. He clutched his eyes tight, and protested, 'With my history, I should go to a mental hospital! I thought the universe owed me a favour, but I didn't know that I had to make sacrifices to be happy! I made a mistake, I've let Joe . . . The SQUIP take away the only person who really cared about me . . . The person I . .' He looked at me, tears sparking his eyes.

I look at him with hope, and I smile lightly. He paused. He wants to say something, but somethings holding him back. And it can't be the SQUIP, since that's off right now. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit, 'The person you . . .?'

Kinda be into

'The person I treated horribly, the person whose wearing my hoodie to cover the cuts that I caused.' He stared at my arms, covered by his hoodie. I tensed up and was about to say 'NO!' You know, like a liar. But before I could Michael protested 'And don't try and lie to me, I know you have!'

He suddenly grabbed my arms, with a frightening grip. A grip that stung, like snake venom. Or rubbing alcohol. I squeal at the pain, and feel tears spark my eyes. I look at him, with one eye. And I'm shaking.

His grip softens, and he trailed his hands down my arms and stops at the sleeve. He looks down as he lifts the sleeve on my left arm. I clutch my eyes close, as the feeling of cold air attacks my multiple cuts and makes them sting. Michael frowns, 'Jeremy . . .'

'Best friend, Michael' BOYF RIENDS AUWhere stories live. Discover now