Chapter Four

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Mkay stands in front of her open locker swapping her books over. Paul is suddenly leaning next to her locker and smirking at her, she sighs and looks to him.

"What do you want?" she asks grabbing her calculus book.

"Just checking in" he offers, she purses her lips and slams her locker door. "After..."

"Look...I don't know what you are after, but believe me, you're not going to get it" she tells him. "I have no interest in..." she waves her hand over him. "This. Go away" she tells him, Paul leans up.

"What have I done..." he stops as Emmett appears behind his sister.

"She told you to go away" Emmett tells Paul who clenches his jaw and looks to Mkay, she looks down and thumbs at her book.

"Fine" Paul states and then walks away, Emmett looks down to Mkay.

"What was that about?" he asks, she shrugs.

"I don't know" she answers and starts to walk away, Emmett follows her.

"You know I don't believe you" he tells her, she looks to him.

"I have no idea why he talked to me" she admits. "He just appeared....can we go to class?" he nods and takes her hand. Paul watches them walk away. Mkay glances back at him, Paul raises an eyebrow at her, she rolls her eyes, he smirks as she looks away.


Mkay sits tapping her heel against the leg of her chair in calculus, Paul's just like all the rest, because of her 'gift' they're attracted to her, want to be close to her, want to please her, it's not real what they feel for her, and once she leaves their presence, they go back to however they were before she was there. It's not real. So she has to ignore everything, any affection shown, any men who look her way, it makes it impossible for her to have a relationship, even if she was comfortable around men, which she isn't, how can she tell if the feelings are real? If they're not being influenced by her curse. She glances towards the back of the class where Paul sits, he smiles at her, she glares and turns away back to her work.


Paul pushes his way through the rest of the class to reach Mkay before she leaves.

"Hi" he greets, she looks to him as she picks up her books from the desk before walking away, Paul follows. "Not talking to me at all now?" he asks her walking at her side. She sighs and turns to him.

"What is it that you want from me?" Mkay asks, Paul looks to her.

"Is it so hard to believe I would like to be your friend?" Paul asks her, she shoots him a look.

"Yes" she answers. "It is" she moves to her locker, he follows.

"Why?" he asks leaning against the locker at the side of hers, she bites her lip and turns to him.

"You've not noticed that my family is a little odd?" she asks him. He shrugs.

"Everyone thinks their family is odd" he answers, Mkay turns back to her locker and sets her books in before she slams her locker, it rattles and groans, she looks to it worried a moment before it settles.

"My family is very private, it's best if you stay away from me" she tells him before turning to walk away, Paul grabs her wrist.

"What if I don't care?" he asks, she pulls her hand away and walks away, to Emmett who is glaring at Paul. Mkay shoves her brother and they walk away together. Paul sighs.


Mkay fiddles with the baseball cap in her hand, Emmett leans in the doorway behind her watching her with a frown. Something is going on inside that head of hers, something that's distracting her, something that she's not telling him, and they tell each other everything.

"Mkay?" He asks, she looks to him and then pulls on the cap. "Talk to me" she looks down again and looks away.

"Do you know what it's like" she starts. "Hating it when people smile at you? Or want to be your friend? or....flirts with you?"

"Mkay" Emmett whispers sadly.

"When someone wants to be my friend, I know it's a lie" she looks to him. "I don't know what's real.......I spend all day every day questioning peoples intentions, questioning whether a smile is real....."

"Right, so this is about Paul" Emmett states. She moves to look out the window. "You're not...attached to him, are you?" he asks.

"No of course not, I know better, what ever it is he thinks he is feeling, it's a lie" she growls and walks towards her brother, she stops at his side. "Why did you save me?" she asks. "Why did you do this to me?"

"Because you are my sister, I love you, I wanted you to live...."

"This is not living" she whispers sadly and looks up at him and then down before walking away.


Mkay climbs into Emmett's jeep and sits next to Rosalie who looks to her sadly, Mkay adjusts her cap and pulls on a pair of sunglasses. She's not sure how much longer she can live like this.

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