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Mkay likes this view. Snow as far as the eye scan see. It's perfect. And quiet. Just how she likes it. But she's not alone. Paul dozes at her side, in that state where he's still waking. He's not long joined her from their bed so he is basically still asleep. His hands gently ghost over her arm, not quiet touches but near enough she can feel his warmth brushing over her with each pass of his hand. She smiles watching his face, his eyes sleepily locked on his own hand. He smirks and leans closer, pressing his lips to her shoulder. Her eyes watch him warmly. It took a while. A long while but Mkay finally became comfortable enough with him touching more then her hand or her face. It took her 2 years to let him see her naked. 2 more before he could touch her. And another year before they made love for the first time. 5 years from the first time they'd met.


Paul lounges in bed as Mkay gets dressed, pulling her jeans along her legs. He loves just watching her. Knowing how lucky he is; even after everything they've been through how happy she makes him. He rolls over slightly and looks to the photo on the dresser, one of the two of them with Edward and Bella on their wedding day. It was a good day, the best and one that unfortunately lead to events that could have hurt them. But they'd powered through everything that happened with Bella, Renesmee and the Volturi and in the end it just made them stronger. Then 6 months after that Mkay and Paul left Forks behind them. Headed around the world travelling just the two of them, 1 year of travel before they'd settled on Dikson Island in Russia. Paul has to actually wear clothes now; even though he doesn't feel the cold like the humans, he still feels a slight chill with Russia, and well Mkay doesn't feel it at all. And with a population of 1100 that suits Mkay just fine. Huge polar bear population which suits her just fine too. Only problem for Paul is the lack of the pack. Yes, there is video calls and cell phones but it's not the same. Mkay knows this. Which is why she's be planning with Sam. Which is hard given Paul's hearing and the glue that has him sticking to her side. But she managed it. Normally they'd go back to the US for a week or two every year to see them, this year it's different....she's plotted effectively and extensively.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go instead?" Paul asks as she kneels on the bed with him.

"It's okay" she assures him. "I can go" she assures him softly. "It's just a care package from Esme" she lies smoothly as she picks up her cell phone from the bed side table.

"Are you sure?" Paul asks hovering, it's his instinct to keep her safe, she chuckles a little and cups his cheek before leaning closer to kiss him before pulling back.

"It'll take me less then an hour; there are a few things I need to pick up" Paul smirks.

"For my birthday?" he asks, she chuckles and nods.

"Yes" she answers fondly as she stands from the bed.

"I told you....." he starts to argue.

"You're my husband and I am going to buy you a birthday present" she argues back stroking her thumb over his cheek.

"Okay" he offers. "I'll wait here....." she nods a little and pulls back grabbing her jacket before leaving, Paul lets out a breath and nods to himself before flopping back on the bed and promptly falls asleep.


It's Seth that sees her first, his face splitting into a huge grin as he and the rest of the pack leave the airport ahead of her. Sam, Jared, Quill and Leah behind him. Mkay waves to them as they approach her. Sam pulls Mkay into an easy hug, the vampire smiling and hugging him back. Turns out that now she can let people touch her, she rather enjoys being affectionate through it with her family, including the pack. Especially the pack. They seem just as touchy with her now they can. She is their family; their sister now through Paul. Plus each of them want to make sure she knows that not all men are like the ones that hurt her. Sam pulls back and lets Jared take over whilst he helps Embry set the suitcases and bags into the car behind Mkay. Not all of the pack could make it, some had to stay behind and protect the land, but it's been decided that they'll alternate, so those that aren't here this time will be flying out next time with Jacob and Renesmee.


Sam turns to Mkay as she climbs into the car pulling the door shut behind her.

"And you're still sure he knows nothing?" Sam asks, Mkay shakes her head.

"Nope; he thinks I am picking up a care package from Esme" she answers starting the car, Paul had told her that the people carrier was unnecessary because there are only two of them, but Mkay's been planning this for a while now and knew that she'd need the space; she told Paul that she just liked it, she liked the space.

"How's Paul?" Quill asks, Mkay nods.

"He's good" she answers. "He has a job" Mkay admits, the wolves all start laughing, she smiles warmly. "He's a mechanic" she offers. "The only one in town...."

"So busy?" Sam asks, she nods and then shrugs.

"I don't mind; he'd get bored staying at home with me all the time"

"I doubt that" Sam mumbles softly with a smile. She smiles too glancing to him, he smiles.

"How's the new baby?" she asks him. He smiles wider thinking about his family.

"She's fantastic" he answers warmly. "Emily's amazing...."

"She has to be" Jared comments. "6 month old baby at home and she's let you come to Russia" Sam snorts and looks to him.

"Jessie's 8 months, dumbass" He scolds slightly. Jared shrugs. "Like you're any better, Kim's about ready to pop herself and here you are"

"She's got plenty of time" Jared argues.

"You're having a baby?" Mkay asks Jared. "Congratulations" Jared smiles.

"Thank you, M" he offers warmly.

"Did you ever want kids?" Seth asks her, earning a smack around the head from Leah at his side. "Ow" Mkay smiles sadly and nods.

"Of course" she answers. "When I was human all I wanted was to get married, to start a family...." Sam reaches over and takes her hand. "But some things just aren't meant to be" she adds giving him a sad smile.


Paul gapes a little as he sees Jared and the others climb out of the car, Mkay offers a small smile as Paul walks to her. He'd been expecting to help her in with shopping, a parcel not...people. Not his family of mutt.

"Did you...?" he asks, she nods.

"Happy early birthday" she comments with a smile. 

"I can't believe you did this for me...." he whispers warmly cupping her face in his hands.

"You miss them" she offers, he nods in agreement.

"I do" he agrees and then smiles. "I love you" he tells her with so much reverence she wants to cry, if she could. He brushes her hair back and kisses her. "So much" he adds pulling away.

"Now go see them" she pushes at his chest. "They've flown all this way...." Paul kisses her forehead and then moves to his pack. Mkay watches Paul greet his brothers with excitement and warmth. After all this time she finally feels comfortable with who and what she is. She feels safe and loved and protected. She's in love with a man that adores her, that has healed her, that looks at her like nothing else in the world matters; how can she be anything but happy? And she is. For the first time in a very, very long time; she's truly happy. Paul looks across at her and smiles warmly at her. Yes, she's happy with her life.

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