Chapter 5 - Haploid To Diploid

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Even though she was happy that she got a donor. Sanchana looked concern.

"Viswa, are you sure? Did you check this with your family?" she asked.

"Nope. I don't want to discuss about this with my parents."

Like recipient, like donor. She couldn't help but mentally chuckle about this couple.

"That's fine. But in future, what if your wife come to know about this, and because of this a rift is created between you both?"

Viswa thought for a second.

"I don't intend to marry now. In case if I marry, I will discuss about this with her first." he said.

Sanchana nodded her head.

"Don't mistake me. We used to ask these questions, because there had been incidents happened to those donors after marriage.

"Few years later, the mother found about the donor and claimed some inheritance from the donor. This caused an issue in this artificial insemination. Soon after that every hospital started to track the donor list specifically. Let's say for safety procedures.

"Even though the court supported the donor, the donor's personal life was disturbed. That's what I wanted to warn you. Many may not think that you would have donated sperm. Many would think you had past with that girl." she gave out the warnings.

He smiled.

"I get it. But if I get married I will inform her before hand to avoid the confusion. Is that okay?"

She nodded her head. Then she handled over the sheet, criteria for sperm donor.

"Not all are eligible for sperm donor. You will be asked to undergo some test. After that we will discuss." she announced as he read the criteria. (AN/- the criteria varies from country to country. Mostly they are same, but age factor changes by 2 - 3 years and many more things will be covered for screening. I am not covering them all. Just the basics)

- Donor must be between 20 to 40 - Check
- Donor should be attending college or college graduate - Check
- Donor should be straight in sexuality - Check
- Donor shouldn't have any genetic disorders - So far I don't think I have it.
- Donor shouldn't have congenital diseases - Definitely Check
- Donor shouldn't be excessive drinker - In my life time I drank once, so I think it wouldn't be a problem.
- Donor should abstain from orga$m and $ex - I am purely a virgin boy. Will that count for this criteria? he snorted.
- Minimum sperm parameters - sperm concentration 60 million per ml, sperm motility 60% actively moving. - who knows that.

He thought while reading.

Oh great! Seems like I would fit in. He thought.

"If you are eligible then you will be asked to come for donation, after that we will pay you 80% of the amount. Once your sperm is used, we will pay you remaining 20%." Sanchana informed.

"You pay me for donation also?" he asked in shock. Mentally he cringed. He didn't come here for money. He wanted to help the couple.

Sanchana looked at him like he grew two heads. Then why did he come here to donate? she wondered.

"Umm, Viswa, Yes. We pay sperm donors." and explained how much they will pay for that.

One side he was amused, but he was very stubborn that he didn't want any money out of it.

"Fine, as you wish Viswa. Tests will take up to one week. Will you be able to come next week if test results are positive?"

"Umm, I will not be able to come next week. I have a conference to attend next week. Not sure long it will take. Why don't you take it as two samples?" he suggested.

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