Chapter 11 - Men will always be Men

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One week later, when Shurti called Viswa, she came to know that he was sick. She knew she can't take Vidya along with her, so she left her at neighbor's house. Them being all alone, they agreed to take care of Vidya for time being.

When Shruti stood at her door steps, he was hell bent on sending her away.

"Why did you come..." he got cut off by coughing.

She rolled eyes and pushed him aside to get in.

"Why did you come? What about Vidya?" he asked. When she explained to him, he nodded.

"Shruti I am sick and I don't want you to get sick. You need to take care of the baby." He advised her. But she ignored his question and asked him,

"When are your parents coming?" she asked him to which he simply shrugged.

"You didn't tell them?"

"Come on, it is just viral fever. I will get better." He said in hoarse voice due to the effect of continuous coughing.

"Had breakfast?" she asked him.

"No about to order" he replied.

"Why are you buying hotel food?"

"Because I don't know to cook!" he rolled his eyes.

She shook her head, "I meant when you are sick."

"Answer is still the same." He winked to which she glared at him.

"I will cook for you."

"I don't want to get more sick." He joked.

"Hey! I am not terrible in cooking." She defended herself and went to kitchen. On seeing no groceries she decided to buy some vegetables.

"You take rest; I will go and buy groceries."

When he tried to stop her, she pushed him towards his bedroom and left to buy necessary items.

By the time she cooked soup for him, he slept. As much as she didn't want to disturb him, she knew he didn't have anything for breakfast.

So she woke him up and gave him the hot soup and then served breakfast.

After having food, he laid down on the bed.

"You go." He said and slept.

On seeing him sleeping peaceful she thought of leaving and visiting him next day. Suddenly he started to shiver.

She rushed to the cupboard and searched for a blanket. That time a parcel with a note caught her eye.

She took the parcel in her hand and saw the same note she thought she passed to Vijay.

How could I think the gift was from Vijay when he was clearly disappointed on knowing that I was pregnant? Why did I jump into conclusion?

She looked at Viswa with gratitude. How can he be so thoughtful? Not only he gave idea to facilities department, he did try to gift me!

Such a fool I am, thinking his gesture as Vijay's.

She cringed on seeing the note. How hurt he would have been on receiving such a note? Thank god, I explained him that I thought the gift was from Vijay. Wait, even when I told him, he didn't reveal that it was him!

She sighed and kept the parcel at the same place she took it. She took the blanket and covered it on Viswa.

Suddenly Viswa caught her right hand and hugged it as a source of warmth.

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