Chapter 6

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It was Saturday and Wendy was closing up the fish market for the day. Everyone was home having their dinner. Wendy was carrying a tray of mussels to the big refrigerator when she slipped. The mussels went flying as she hit the ground. Todd came running.

"Are you hurt?"

"My ankle. I think I slipped on a prawn."

Todd made Wendy sit as he picked up the shellfish strewn from her fall.

Eventually, he asked, "Can you walk?"

He helped her up before she could answer. He may have had his hands under her arms and close to her breast, but he didn't notice. His biggest concern was whether she was hurt. If she was, he'd have a lot of paperwork to deal with — workman's comp, liability.

She winced. "I must work for Rick in the morning."

The fish market was closed on Sunday, but it was one of The Landing's busiest days. Todd watched as she limped a few steps.

"Do you need help getting up the stairs?"

She nodded. Luckily, there were inside stairs from the backroom. With the rumors flying Todd didn't want to be seen helping her up the outside staircase. Judy would understand, but he wasn't taking chances. He imagined himself explaining it to his mother. After all, she and the other dames knew everything.

Once Wendy struggled up the stairs and was settled in a chair, Todd went back to the market to make a phone call.

Meanwhile at the Drake house, Will and Nora were getting ready for dinner when the phone rang. Todd confirmed with Will their tee off time in the morning, then he asked him for a favor.

"After my dinner." Will agreed.

As soon as her plate was empty, Lana ran across the street to play. Nora was frustrated and upset and made a suggestion Will refused to consider.

"Nora, I'm not having my balls cut!"

"William, don't be crass. You're a surgeon. You know it's a simple incision in your scrotum."

"What does it matter? It's been years and clearly we aren't meant to have another child, as difficult as it is for you..."

"For me? You told me you wanted one too!"

"I did, but after all the procedures. That's why there's no purpose in sterilizing me."

"I'm just tired of the disappointment month after month. I want it to end. You don't support me."

Will was at a loss for words, because it was all he had done for the last five years. First there was the Clomid which made the woman crazy, but then the hormone treatments before IVF created a monster. For months, the disappointments piled up and she was a bitch more often than not. Still, he stayed by her side.

"I'm not starting this argument again. I'm going out. I'm not sure when I'll be back!"

He left, because he needed to cool off and he promised Todd he'd look at the girl's ankle.

Will understood Nora's pain. They had been on a crazy roller coaster for five years. Every time they peaked, it was followed by a huge drop. It had taken a toll on both of them.

He climbed the stairs to the apartment above the fish market. He had never seen it before and was surprised the place was as big as it was. The furniture was shabby, but it was to be expected. Renting the apartment wasn't like renting a cottage for a week. It was always meant for the summer staff and college students. Some years it would be filled with two or three coeds.

He found the girl sitting in front of the television and explained he was going to examine her ankle to see if she needed an x-ray or additional care.

When he touched the swollen flesh, she didn't wince which was certainly a good sign. It was only slightly swollen and she hadn't had it elevated. Will never made house calls, but he kept a large first aid kit with Ace bandages in his car. He had brought one with him and wrapped the ankle up nice and tight.

"Rest it, ice it and elevate it. It looks like a sprain. I'll check with you tomorrow. It should be better, not worse."

"I'm meant to work in the morning."

"If it's just sprained, it might be uncomfortable, but you'll be fine. Just rest, ice and elevate after your shift."

When Will returned home, he apologized to his wife and took her in his arms. It would be the extent of their loving for the night, since the entire argument started because Nora had gotten her period. Nora was prickly even when she was hormonally balanced. Still, he loved her and would do almost anything for her, but having a vasectomy made no sense. True, they had conceived, as a result of the IVF, but only Lana had survived the first trimester.

For so many years sex was a chore on a schedule. They had finally found some spontaneity. He was secretly glad she was through trying, because the effects of the hormones and infertility treatments had damn near killed them. Will was happy to go on with life and enjoy his little girl. He was done thinking about adding to their family.

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