Thirteen: Broken

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The next morning, you had already come and left my breakfast before I woke. After last night, you must have wanted to give me some more space, which I desperately needed. I was so vulnerable. I cried until I tired out, falling asleep in your arms. I was so exhausted that I didn't wake when you laid me down and pulled the blankets over me.

I couldn't help but wonder why you had to make this so difficult. Why did you have to be so kind at the same time as holding me captive?

I was so, so close to saying yes that I had to swallow the word back last night. With you holding me like you were, a weight of comfort grounding me, it would've been so easy to accept this as my fate. I considered that maybe things wouldn't be so bad. At least I wouldn't be stuck in here.

I didn't have too much time to mull things over before I heard a timid knock on the door. Whoever it was moved so quietly that I didn't hear their steps approach. "Evelyn?" your mother's voice was soft and melodic. Since I only met her once, I almost didn't recognize her.

I stood up quickly, wobbling on my shaky, unused legs. I pressed up against the door, hand awaiting on the knob. "Tara?" I asked in disbelief.

She released a relieved sigh but said no more. I didn't think she knew what to say.

This was the first I interacted with someone other than you in I didn't know how long. "What are you doing here?" Hopefully, I asked, "Can you let me out?" I didn't even ask to run or escape, merely so I could see some light.

Regretfully, she said, "I don't have the key." Another pause. It was clear that she was as uncomfortable with this as me. "I came because Caleb asked me to."

My brows furrowed. "He did what?"

"He came to me over breakfast and told me about your conversation last night." I paled thinking about everything I said. Words that I did not want to leave this room. "He wanted me to talk to you because I was in a situation similar to you years ago." She laughed halfheartedly, "I was locked in the same exact room actually, though I didn't last as long as you."

Images of another scared girl being locked in here flashed through my mind. I wasn't this room's first prisoner, and I doubted I would be its last. "How long have I been in here?"

"Twenty-nine days," she said, "the longest anyone has been in isolation."

I scoffed, sinking back to the ground as that number caused a chill to race through me, "What a record to have."

Twenty-nine days where all I saw was the dark, tormented by my overwhelming thoughts. Pretty screwed up, isn't it, Caleb?

"I know the feeling. You did dethrone me," your mother said, and this earned a laugh from me. Issac wasn't wrong about me being similar to Tara after all. He read people better than I gave him credit for.

Her voice turned sympathetic, "How are you holding up in there?"

Even though I didn't know your mother, I knew I could trust her on some level. She may have let me drink the drugged wine, but her and I still shared a connection. We both knew the same pain. "Losing my mind, but other than that, I'm fine."

"It's torture, isn't it? That's their reasoning for doing this, you know." Hearing someone who I could relate to was as close to a breath of fresh air I could get in here.

I nodded, "Yes, I've had a lot of time to think and figure that out." I paused. "You're here to convince me to so yes, aren't you?"

"I'm not here to convince you or anything, but I'm afraid this visit isn't only for a pleasant conversation either," she explained. "I can't stay for long. We're already breaking the rules by me being here."

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