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Hey everyone!

It's been awhile! I've been busy with graduating college and starting a career, but now that I've settled in, I'm turning back to writing.

After so many kind and encouraging comments, I'm thinking about going down the publishing rabbit hole with this story. There's lots of editing to be done and parts I want to rewrite. (Cough chapter 1 cough)

Now that I'm starting this process, you, my readers, are the first I wanted to tell. Who knows, maybe I'll even be inspired to write a spin off/companion to this that so many have asked for ;) Caleb's POV? Tara's story? Only time will tell!

For now, I will leave this draft posted on here and will give updates on the process. This will probably come down in the future, but that will be delayed for as long as possible.

I may even need readers of the edited version :)

Thanks for all of your support over the years! :)

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