The Misfortune

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My name is Erik. I'm quite a normal teenage boy, at least I was back then. As at the beginning of every summer I was riding to my cousin Emily for a week vacation. But this year was supposed to be different. It all started with small mistake...

I was going to go by train at 6 pm. This way I was able to get to my cousins town just before the concert of Riverfall, my favorite band. I was looking forward to that concert for years, they never played any place close, until now. The train was really crowded, but I managed to find an empty seat. I was happy that I didn't have to stand all the way. I was about to put my bag on top shelf when some guy asked me

- You need a hand with that bag miss?

I blushed a little. Yeah, i got that sometimes. With my long curly metal-head hair and delicate facial features I was mistaken for a girl a lot. It is always a little awkward, but now it would be even more awkward because I will be riding with this guy in a train for a few hours. I just shook my head saying 'no' and pretended that I didn't notice that he took me for who I'm not. I just put my bag on the shelf, sat down on my place and tried to not look at this guy any more. I was just wondering, if he noticed his mistake after a while? Or maybe in his thoughts I will stay a girl forever?

This situation made me wonder, how it would be to be a girl? I guess that every guy wonders that sometimes. Normally I like to try the things about which I'm curious of, but there was no chance to try this out, would it be? This was making me even more curious. I started to imagine my life as a girl. How some situations in my life would get different. I thought a while about my love relations and decided that if I were a girl I would definitely be a lesbian. That would be nice. The sun hided itself under the horizon and the sky became black and full of stars. I noticed a shooting star. So I wished to myself, "I would like to be a girl for few days". I smiled to myself thinking back then, that it's impossible.

I was looking through the window on moving trees and houses. I heard a loud noise from outside of the train. I noticed that actually we are already on my final stop! I dozed off! I stood up quickly and run away from the train pushing through crowds of people. Finally I got off the train at the last second. The train door shut behind me and train started to move away from the platform. That was close! I was watching it leave and try to catch a breath and calm down. When the train was long gone I was able to move on. So I grabbed my bag... Oh no! My bag! I don't have it! I forgot it on the train! Fuck! I had all my clothes there! I was pissed off, but actually couldn't do anything. So I said few additional curse words and head out from the station.

When I got outside of the station I noticed that my situation is even worse, It's raining! In this weather I will get all wet before I get to Emily's apartment. I could wait for a while until the rain stops, but the concert is in little more than an hour and who knows how long it will be raining. I decided to go nevertheless. Raindrops were running down all over my body. I got to the bus stop and waited for my bus under small roofing that didn't protect me from the driving rain very well. When the bus came, I already was so wet that I left on the floor small puddles of rainwater. After 20 minutes ride I got out on stop near Emily's apartment but still have to walk quite a distance in this rain. I actually didn't care anymore, I was soaking wet nevertheless. I just hoped that Emily will find me some clothes after uncle to put on. Finally I got to her place, when she saw me she said:

- My god, Erik, you are all wet, take of this clothes and go under hot shower before you get cold.

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