The Truth

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The party has ended and we had to get back home. I really didn't want to undress. I felt so amazingly girly. I thought that I'll never be as beautiful as I was this night. With a heavy heart I washed my makeup, unbraid my hair, took off the jewelry, and all my clothes. I was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom and noticed that I still look like a girl! My eyebrows were plucked and thin, skin on my face looked pretty and bright, my hair was still curled in a really girly way and my legs were perfectly waxed. I didn't have curvy body shape, but many girls also don't have that. The only manly thing I had, was my penis. I guess I went a little too far with that salon... If I had to go back to being a boy tomorrow I actually couldn't do this. I was stuck being a girl for.. I don't know how long, but for sure at least two weeks. I didn't like the idea that I'm stuck being a girl just as I didn't like the idea that I'll stuck being a boy when I finish my vacations. The second part hited me. Did I really think that? Will I want to be a girl sometimes even after this vacation? I guess that's the case. Well I liked it so why not? I will have to think about it later... I've put on my nighty and went to sleep.

In the morning Emily quickly went out to work. I was glad because I wanted to invite Wendy to finally tell her the truth. I was really scared how she'll react. But I couldn't keep it a secret forever. Especially now, when we basically became a couple. We exchanged a few messages and agreed that we'll meet at 1 pm. I had some time to get ready. I started to think about how I should dress for this occasion. From one point of view, I wanted to tell her that I'm actually a boy so maybe it would be good to wear my male clothes? But from the other hand, so far I know that she likes me as a girl and I didn't know how she'll react when she'll see me as a boy, also right now even in my male clothes I would look like a girl, so it wouldn't matter. So I guess that the best way was to stay pretty girl that she fell in love. So the next question was, which outfit I should choose. I didn't want to wear a dress that she already saw me in so I had to find something new. Yeasterday if I didn't stop her and I had a vagina we would probably have sex, so I guess she will expect it today. But will she still want it knowing that I don't have a vagina? Guess will have to see. The point is, that I should wear something sexy. I started to look for something like that in Emily's closet. Thankfully she had many clothes of many different styles, except of pants of course. This task was difficult, because wearing sexy wasn't actually my style. I preferred more cute and girly outfits. Emily had plenty of sexy clothes, but choosing popper one for me was challenging. Finally I managed to find the things that I liked. I've put on a black corset that gave me more womanly shape, something that was bothering me yesterday. With that I've put on a short and tight black skirt and over knee black socks. Then I followed youtube tutorials for some sexy and aggressive makeup. I was sexy and also it felt right, so I found what I was looking for. I was ready for Wendy to come, so I sat on the sofa and started to think about how I'll tell her the truth about myself. "Wendy, I'm a boy"... Nah that doesn't seem right... "you actually don't have to worry about liking girls because I'm actually a boy"... Better, but still not great. "Wendy I have a penis!".. I laughed a little to myself about that last one. Then it hit me. Oh my God! I have a penis! I totally forgot! If we'll go with sex we probably need some condoms! I don't think that she will bring any. I checked out the time. I still had 15 minutes. I've got up and put on black flat ballerina pumps, they didn't work well with the outfit, but it was just for getting to the store. I took out my purse and went to the door. I've checked out myself in the mirror. I looked a little to sluty for getting outside, at least for my taste. On the other hand many girls dress up like that everyday. So I just went to the store. I bought a pack of condoms. It was weird cause I never bought condoms when I dressed up as a girl. The clerk was a lady in her mid forties and she looked at me judgementaly. Getting on how I was dressed she had to think that I'm a total slut. I paid and little embarrassed went away with a pack of condoms in my hand. I wanted to put them in a purse, when suddenly I saw Wendy next to me... I didn't see her before, but it looks that she saw me and was waiting for me to finish my purchase. She was looking at pack of condoms in my hand... She looked at me first with confusion, than with anger and finally without any word she just walked away. It took me a second to understand what was going on. She had to think that I bought this condoms because I'm planing to have sex with a man! I had to explain that, or it will destroy everything.

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