chapter 36 moments

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> Chapter 36: Moments


> "I don't know Niall." I said looking down.


> "Oh come on bird. If you get scared just try to fly again!" Louis called up to me from the water.


> I was standing on the side of a cliff. The drop had to be at least 15 feet. I was standing at the top with Niall. The boys had drug me out of the house after I spent all my life in my room as they put it. I was just trying to practice for the concert next week. I had only been in there for two days. I had to learn my part and practice to get it right. They should be too. We didn't have enough time to come up with a new song and perfect it so the plan was to bring me out in the last song and then I would sing with all of them including having my own solo.


> After the show we would all go and meet fans and talk to interviewers. I was really nervous. What if the fans hate it. What If they boo me off the stage for ruing the boys music. I was hoping that people would like it. I've never sang in front of that big of a crowd before. I had only sang for family and some friends. Most of my friends have never herd me sing in my normal voice. Only a few. Most of my friends find it annoying when I sing so I just always assumed I wasn't that good. I love to sing just really to shy to do anything about it.



> "We'll jump together." Niall told me grabbing my hand.


> "Come on you two!" Zayn shouted.


> "Jump apple sauce!" Charlie called up to me.


> She and Abby had gotten back yesterday. I had barley spoken to Charlie yet. She had no idea about the whole thing that happened with Niall. I thank God every second of the day I didn't leave him. I need him like I need air. Leaving him would have never happened. No matter what. I will never leave his side. No matter what Charlie says when I finally tell her. No matter what his fans say.The only way we will ever be apart is if he leaves me. Thats a constant worry I have. But if he anted to leave me would he have been so upset when I found him with Marie? No. He wouldn't.


> "Fine!" I called down laughing. This was crazy.


> "On three. Ready, one, two." Niall counted.


> "Three!" We both called jumping. I screamed I couldn't help it.


> My stomach felt like it was in my throat and the wind made my hair fly all over. We fell to the water in seconds. I felt the water rush all over me. I never let go of Niall's hand. I came up from the water hearing cheers.


> "Woo!" Liam cheered.


> "That was so fun!" I told Niall.


> "Isn't it?" He laughed still holding my hand.


> "But the water is freezing!" I complained feeling the goosebumps on my arm by rubbing them with my free hand.


How love found me (Niall Horan)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα