Another Gilbert??

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AN I have deleted the last paragraph because I have decided I want Wanda to meet Rebekah first so she can invite her to the ball. I want Wanda to become best friends with Rebekah and come close to Jeremy. There will be Elena Bashing!!

A young girl stepped up to the front door of the Gilbert house. Taking a deep breath she lightly knocked on the door, notifying the people inside that someone had arrived. The door opened and a confused face looked out with a young boy next to her. To a normal person, it looked like they were a normal family. However, Wanda wasn't normal herself. She noticed that both children released a breath as if they were trying to avoid someone. They were: The Mikaelsons but Wanda didn't know this. After a while of assessing each other, the younger of the siblings spoke up
"Can I help you?"
"Oh. I'm looking for Elena and Jeremy Gilbert." Wanda replied
"Who are you?" The girl inside finally asked.
"I'm Wanda Parker. My friend found out that I have family in Mystic Falls so I thought I would come and meet them. Jeremy and Elena are my cousins."
Looking into her eyes, the sibling decided that Wanda was indeed their cousins. She had the same vibrant green eyes that their mother had, so they introduced themselves.

The girls spoke first,"I'm Elena Gilbert and this is my brother Jeremy. We didn't know we had any family still alive. Well come on in I want to meet my cousins" After Elena said that last sentence a wide smile spread across her face as she pulled the young woman with red hair inside, with Jeremy following after closing the door a smile on his face too. The Gilbert's were all dead so to find they had a cousin, the Gilbert sibling were pleasantly surprised and wanted to find out everything about her.

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