The ball

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After going dress shopping, Rebekah and Wanda walked into mystic grill. The Scooby gang saw this and glared at Rebekah as they passed to find a booth. Wanda noticed Elena calling her over so excused herself from the table while Rebekah ordered their food.
"What do you want Elena?" Wanda asked.
"Why are you with HER. She's ruined my life." Elena replied
Rolling her eyes, Wanda said, "No KLAUS ruined your life, Rebekah just stood by her family. I would do the same thing, if I was in her position. So if there's nothing else I would like to return to my friend." Wanda turned and walked away.
"What did she want?" Rebekah asked worried that the doppelgänger would convince Wanda to leave her.
"Nothing. She's just being petty. Now let's eat, go back to your house and get ready for the ball."
The two girls ate and left the Grill, the Scooby gang still watching their every move.
Ether Mikaelson family was downstairs waiting for Rebekah to arrive with Wanda; The two girls had spend all after noon getting ready. Throughout the short time Wanda had been at the mansion, she had ran into the Mikaelson brothers: Finn, Elijah, Klaus and Kol a few times. To say that the Brothers were shocked when they found out that she was well aware of who they are, what they could do and be related to to Elena and not want to conspire against them was an understatement. Wanda genuinely liked the original family. Rebekah was her best friend and the brothers weren't as bad as people made them out to be if you actually got to know them. Wanda liked them all especially Rebekah. Klaus wasn't too bad to look at (but then again non of the Mikaelsons were).

Arm in arm, the two girls walked down the main staircase, peoples attention turned to them. Rebekah was in a full length green strapless dress. Her hair was down but pushed back and around her neck was a simple but expensive diamond necklace that was a gift of Nik for 'locking her in a box with a dagger in her heart' as she liked to say.

 Her hair was down but pushed back and around her neck was a simple but expensive diamond necklace that was a gift of Nik for 'locking her in a box with a dagger in her heart' as she liked to say

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The boys gaze turned from their sister to her new friend. Her long hair was curled and rested on her shoulders. The dress was a blood red (the Scarlet Witches signature colour) with a long skirt with a slit down the middle to reveal her long legs. Her makeup was minimal as she didn't need rally need any. Her plump lips were painted the same colour of red as her dress.

 Her plump lips were painted the same colour of red as her dress

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Klaus couldn't take his eyes off her. She was definitely the most beautiful girl there. Snapping back into reality, the brothers stepped forward and offered both girls a glass of champagne, to witch they both happily accepted. The Mikaelsons excused themselves to go and introduce the ball and start the century's old waltz. It was tradition to start a ball with a dance and their mother had chosen this one. Wanda used this as a n excuse to go and see how her cousins were doing.
Elena and her friends were watching as Wanda and Rebekah walked down the stairs. Elena was bubbling with jealousy; she would never be able to wear something like that. Wanda outshined Elena in every way . She had only been at school for a few days and she was already more popular than her and managed to get a spot on the cheerleading team: something she had been trying to do for a long time! Wanda was friends with Rebekah who was know as the original who didn't trust.
"Are you sure you're actually related?" Damon asked as he watched Wanda talk to the Mikaelsons. Elena replied by elbowing him in the side.
"Hey! Watch it! I was only joking but you have to admit that dress looks breathtaking on her."
"Stop talking! She's coming over" Caroline said.

Wanda reached the Scooby gang and hugged Caroline. Just like Rebekah, Wanda thought of her as her friend. Caroline thought the same. Wanda was the first to speak, snapping the Scooby gang out of their trances.
"Elena, Caroline, Bonnie! You look amazing!" She complimented.
"You do too!" Caroline squealed and squeezed her friend.
"Thank you Care!" Wanda spoke. Just then the Mikaelsons started to speak.

As Elijah spoke, Wanda began to block out all the noise around her. She smiled at each Mikaelson then noticed Klaus out of the corner of her eye. She smiled at him and he happily returned it. It was an actual smile not a smirk that is usually on his face but a smile. The two people stared at each other, forgetting about the people around them. They looked away when they noticed Elijah had stopped speaking and people were preparing for the waltz. Klaus made his way through the crowd and stopped in front of Wanda.
"May I have this dance?" Klaus asked while holding out a hand for her to take.
" Well it is tradition" Wanda said as she placed a gloved hand into his.

(Imagine this is Klaus dancing with Wanda not Caroline. They are both enjoying it and smiling at each other while Elena goes to meet Esther.)

The song ended and Klaus thanked Wanda for the dance. They parted ways and Wanda went to find Rebekah . The two girls danced throughout the night and drank lots of alcohol that they would end up forgetting in the morning.
The next morning Wanda was invited to the Salvatore boarding house by Caroline. They were discussing what Esther had said to Elena the night before. When she arrived she was rushed into the room where everyone was waiting for her. Elena began to explain what Esther had said to her.
"She had linked all of her children together. She plans to stop Finn with a white out steak during the next full moon. As they are all linked, they will all die." Elena explained.
"Ah," Damon said laughing, "so mamma Mikaelson wants her children dead. Did not see that coming!"
"Damon this isn't a time to be laughing. She could be a secret weapon to finally end the Mikaelsons."Elena said as she scolded Damon.
Inside Wanda was fuming. The Mikaelsons were her friends and she didn't want them dead. She understood that Klaus had ruined Elena's life, but that didn't mean that should all be killed because of that! She kept her opinions to herself and Elena went in to discuss how they would danger the siblings. Caroline would distract Klaus while Alaric daggered Kol. Then they had to do was wait. Wanda quietly left and headed towards the Mikaelson mansion. She rapidly knocked on the door and was let inside by one of the Klaus hybrids. Once inside, she found the Mikaelson siblings excluding Finn inside the sitting room. She asked if Esther was in the house and they replied no. Wanda went on to explain what was just discussed at the Salvatore boarding house. Although they hid their emotions well, you could see it in their eyes that each sibling was deeply upset by this news. Wanda said to them that she would help them find a way to unlink themselves and if the Scooby Gang tried to plan anything else she would tell them.

As she went to leave, Klaus came and stopped her as she opened the door.
"Why are you helping us? Your cousins want us dead, you should too!" Klaus asked
"You haven't done anything to me. Rebekah is my friend. She doesn't deserve to die. None of you do." Wanda replied. Klaus looked into her emerald green eyes and found only the truth. She really meant what she had said. Neither said anything as they satires into each other's eyes until Wanda's phone went off with the name Steve on the screen. She left the house and began speaking to her friend that she missed dearly.

This is my longest chapter yet. In the next chapter, Klaus and Wanda will have a moment. They need a ship name so if you have any suggestions please comment them. Please review and thanks for reading.

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