Chapter 2

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"What do you say dear? Will you be my lady for the Ball?"

Me, a filthy Omega, be Luna Adaline lady at the Lunar Eclipse Ball? I've always dreamed of getting out of this place, even for one night and have the chance to meet my mate, and now the option is sitting right in front of me!

I quickly roll over and sit up and engulf Luna Adaline in a hug saying the word yes over and over again.

"Thank you Luna! Thank You! I would be honored to be your lady! When is the ball? How far in advanced do I need to get certain chores ahead? Where is the Ball even at?"

So many thought were running through my head and Kenna was beyond excited prancing, running, and jumping in my head due to the fact we may be able to find our mate.

"The ball is two weeks from now and is in the Moonlight Eclipse Pack, home of the Alpha King but do not fret for no harm will come to you during the Ball."

Luna Adaline always knows what is running through my head and she knew I would worry about being harmed at the Ball.

"You do not need to worry about any chores till after the Ball because Riley and Harley, the Omega twins, have volunteered to take over your chores. Preparations start tomorrow so you will need to bring your belongings into my room. I have already brought a bed into for you to sleep in so you won't have to worry about sleeping arrangements. The Alpha has agreed to leave you alone so your body can heal for the ball. I wish I could say it was for you but it's really so he won't look cruel in front of his allies. I wish he would leave you alone for the rest of your life but two weeks is better than not at all right?"

Luna Adaline always tried to look on the bright side and I have always admired that. Luna was the person who has cared for me since my parents died because of me. They should have let the rogues have me and save themselves.

"Thank you Luna! This means the world to me! I will gather my things now!"

I quickly gather my toothbrush and my few other sets of clothes, more like rags held together by strings, and walk to stand by the Luna who is ready to walk out the door. Before she opens the door Luna hides the first aid kit she brought in under my air mattress. She squares her shoulders, opens the door and strides out of my room and heads for the stairs out of the basement.

I trail behind at a respectable distance as Luna Adaline walks past the Pack dinner towards the grand staircase.

"Do you see the omega trash following the Luna?"

"What is she doing?"

"Your cells downstairs Omega!"

"People are trying to eat here!"

I quickly scurry after the Luna with my head down trying to make myself invisible. Kenna started snarling and pacing in my head at those comments made by the pack members as we walked by.

After climbing to the third floor of the pack house Luna Adaline stops in front of a white door with a golden handle. As she pushes the door open I'm left in shock.

 As she pushes the door open I'm left in shock

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"This is your room attached to my suite. It has its own bath and a closet that has nicer clothes that you can wear and keep after the Ball. Is the room satisfactory?"

I still couldn't believe my eyes at what was in front of me that I could call my own. The large circular window and balcony door is what caught my eye the most and is where I walked to first. I had a great view of the pack lands and the fresh air brought a smile to my face.

"This place is gorgeous! Thank you so much Luna!"

"I am pleased you like it and from now on you may call me Adaline. You are my lady now and for the time being will be held in the highest respect by me and the Alpha if he keeps his word. Measurements will start tomorrow morning at 9:00 sharp and will be held in my room. I will leave you to rest and I shall see you in the morning. Goodnight my dear Audrey."

With that Luna Adaline kissed my forehead and walked out of my room, shutting the door one her way out.

Before going to bed I decided to take a quick shower to wash off any left over blood from the whipping that seemed to have happened years ago due to the change in events since then.

After my shower i found a pair of soft lavender shorts and a grey tank top to sleep in. Pulling back the covers I crawled onto the silk sheets and fell into a deep sleep.

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