Chapter 5

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After a long car ride and the Alpha going over and over the rules for the night and making threats if I broke one.

Don't talk back

Don't interrupt

No Drinking

No looking into High Ranking wolves eyes

Don't speak unless spoken to

Follow every demand Luna Adaline makes

Then came the list of threats.

No food for a week

No water for four days

Extra chores for a year

Everyday beatings

And the lists went on and on. As Alpha was making his rules and using his Alpha voice I could hear and feel Kenna pacing around in my mind.

I hate him. Let me at him! Let me at him! By the way something is going to happen tonight! I can feel it!!

Kenna he is our Alpha! We must respect him and obey him! Besides we are going to live being his servant and personal punching bag for the rest of our lives. I'm sorry that you got stuck with me Kenna.

Oh shut up Audrey! I wouldn't want any other person to be stuck with. The Moon Goddess paired us together for a reason!

"Alright we're here and one wrong move Omega and I will follow through on my threats! Do you understand me?!"

Luna Adaline gave me a gentle smile and slight nod of her head.

"Y-yes A-alpha."

With that he got out of the car, held out a hand for Luna Adaline with a smile plastered onto his face. He then held a hand out for me to help me out of the car and through gritted teeth he whispered in my ear to remember the rules and consequences. Then he dropped my hand and linked arms with Luna Adaline letting me trail behind.

Through the grand doors of the Palace Alpha Jordan led Luna Adaline and I, along with the rest of the pack behind us, we all walked towards the ballroom doors. The doors were of a beautiful pearl with blue gemstones in intricate patterns.

Inside the doors was a grand ballroom and from the the doorway you could see that the doors opened to a set of grand staircases that wound down on each side. From the landing I could see that the room was decorated in blue and white tones and crystal chandeliers that made you imagine there were really stars clustered together.

Straight across from where the stairs are I could see a balcony with six thrones evenly spaced out. Two thrones were larger than the rest with a carving of a howling wolf carved into the head of them. Two more thrones were a medium size and I could only guess that those were where the former King and Queen sat. The two smallest thrones were most likely for the prince and princess. That leaves the two large thrones for the current Alpha King and his mate.

The ballroom was already full of people and as we descended the staircases and I could feel myself slowly become uneasy. Kenna kept pacing in my mind and I could tell she was nervous as well. Luna Adaline sensed my uneasiness and left Alpha Jordan to link arms with me.

"Deep breaths dear. That's it! No one will hurt you here. Lets try and have fun and meet a few people, yeah?"

As she finished whispering this into my ear I could sense a couple with power radiating off of them. Alpha Jordan was the first to speak.

"Ah, Alpha Ben and Luna Susan! How are you and the Eastern Mountain Pack doing these days? We must call a meeting to update or alliance and catch up!"

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