Chapter 3: Taken

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The sun was just starting to set, the darker it got the more of an advantage I had.

Soon she will be mine, and know what it's like to be loved, and admired.

The only bad part about the whole situation is that I know her but she doesn't know who I really am, yet.


After I left the park I went home and changed into my night shirt.

My window curtains were off to the side and I looked at the view of the street.

My eyes widened when I saw a figure standing by the streetlight across the street. I reached over to my bedside table and turned on my lamp and when I looked back the figure was gone.

I started to panic. I got a sick feeling I'm my stomach.

I jumped when I heard a loud banging sound at my door.

Slowly I creeped down the steps, and made my way to the front door.

The banging on the door didn't stop, it got louder and louder the closer I got.

The moment my hand touched the doorknob the banging stopped.

I opened the door and saw no one.

"Hello? is anyone there?"

When there was no response I closed my door and locked it. I let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly an arm was wrapped around my waist, I screamed and a large hand clasped over my mouth.

The person who had me was stronger than I am and defiantly taller than me. so he had a better advantage than I did.

Muffled screams echoed through my condo.

I tried prying the intruders hand away from my mouth but it was not use.

I elbowed the stranger in the ribs causing him to release me.

I took that time to run upstairs and try to come up with something.

This person could be a freaking murder for all I know.

As I was running up the steps I looked back to see the intruder start running toward me.

Once I was in my room I closed and locked my door. I scanned the room looking for a place to hide.

I starting panicking and thinking about the things this person could do.

I screamed when I heard him banging at my bedroom door.

"Open the door Clara!" He man on the other side of the door yelled.

His voice was somewhat deep and for some reason I think I recognize it.

I stood there shocked he knew my name.

'Who was this person?' my mind started looking for answers.

"Open the damn door! don't make me do anything I'll regret."

I ran over to my bed and crawled underneath, the only place I could think off.

The door broke off the hinges and the man entered my room.

Tears started streaming down my face.

I saw his feet, and I knew he was looking for me.

When I saw him leave my room I sighed in relief and laid my head down.

Suddenly I felt two large hands wrap around my ankles. I was being dragged from underneath my bed.

I started screaming for help, then intruder grabbed my waist and threw on my bed.

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