Chapter 18: Finding His Secret

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"The real fun is about to begin." he smirked.

Our lips met once again, my fingers weaving through his hair.

He turned us around so my back was to the bed.

My back softly made contact with the silky material of the bed.

I broke the kiss and started crawling back as he crawled after me.

Once my head was in the pillow one hand was besides my head and the other started unbuttoning the shirt I was wearing.

He finished undoing all the buttons and left light down my stomach and back up to my neck.

I sat up and threw the shirt to the ground, Andrews lightly made me lay back down.

A smirk appeared in his face.

He covered is up the the silk covers.

I felt his hand snake it's way around my back then Andrew cell phone started ringing.

He groaned with irritation then picked it off the bed side table.

"Hello." he said through clenched teeth.

"I swear to god if you keep calling I will hunt you down and kill you myself."

He hung up the phone and laid in his back.

I was shaking a little. he sounded so terrifying.

I got off the bed, picked up the shirt and ran to the bathroom.

I put my arms through the sleeves and looked into the mirror.

When I looked at my reflection I gasped at the scar on my hip.

I ran my fingers over it and tears started spilling down my cheeks.

"AC? what's- Andrew Collins. oh my god."

Suddenly different images flashed in my head. I saw blood, a knife and heard screaming. them other images flashed in my mind.

"What the hell?"

I felt like I was going crazy. my breathing increased. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

A knock at the bathroom door made me jump.

"Clara? you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I quickly buttoned the shirt and wiped the tears away and opened the door to reveal a shirtless Andrew standing by the door.

"I'm going to get some water I'll be right back."

He nodded then moved his arm.

When I reached the kitchen I downed a glass of water, my head started spinning.

"What's going on?" I whispered to myself.

I turned to the left and saw the basement door slightly open.

Curiosity got the best of me. I walked down the dark carpeted steps and turned the light switch on.

Suddenly several computer monitors and lights turned on.

Pictures were pinned to the wall covering them.

They were pictures

I walked around the room and saw pictures of me walking, driving and.... sleeping.

The computer made a noise.

"Cameras? what the hell?"

"You aren't suppose to be in here."

I turned quickly and saw Andrew closing the door and leaning his back against it.

"W-what's going on? why are there pictures of me and cameras? and why are your Initials carved into my side?"

"Clara Clara Clara, why must it be so curious?"

In his hand was a syringe.

"Why do you have that? isn't that for allergies?"

"Nope. they are actually sedatives. for you."

My back up until my back hit the wall.

"Andrew, please what's going on?"

"I tries so hard to make you forget and now that you remember again, I guess we will just have to start over."

He harshly grabbed my arm and stabbed the needle in my arm.

My eyes Began to slowly close and my body grew weak.

"A-Andrew." I moaned in pain.

"Sweet dreams angel. see you when you wake up."


I picked her body off the ground carrying her bridal style out if the basement.

I tries so hard to make her forget, guess I will just have to start over.

When I reaches the garage, I cuffed her hand to the chained attached to the metal pipe above and her feet were badly touched the ground.

The medical cart beside us had gauze, alcohol, alcohol prep pads, syringes with different substance, scalpels and smaller knives.

I pulled on latex gloves and grabbed a small knife.

The only light was coming from the hanging light form above.

I unbuttoned the shirt and cut

The sleeves making the shirt fall to the ground.

My angel look heavenly in lace.

It's a shame it's going to be stained.

I hate hurting her and making her bleed, but if it means making her mine, I'll do anything.

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