8| Grounded

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We had been talking about random stuff and Jaxon was actually kinda not a total piece of fuck, turns out he enjoys doodling, cooking and occasionally reading. Here I thought his hobbies would be fucking sluts and bathroom/janitor closet quickies.

"By the way, where's Kenzie?" I asked.

"Detention" he said and I mouthed an oh.

"Well we can rule Ember out of our list" I said and he squinted and tilted his head in confusion.

"Turns out she still liked you and wanted Ian so she could forget you" I said and he nodded but then stopped to face me again.

"When and how did you get all this?" He asked.

"When I left the room, she was throwing Ian out, I guessed they fucked and she confessed it to him and I overheard" I said and he nodded the got up.

"Well, I gotta go home" he said.

"Go then" I said with a groan.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy my company" he said with a smirk as he put one leg over and out through the window.

"Did not" lies.

"Bye Sammy" he teased and began climbing out.

"Bye and never call me Sammy!" I said yelling out the last part since he was already walking away from my house.


The weekend came and left with occasional visits from Kenzie, but now, it was the worst day of the week, Monday. Today is also the day I have English with fucking Mr Kendrick. I groaned into the class room ignoring other people, most especially Mr Kendrick himself as he stared intensely at me. I sat all the way at the back of the class and as soon as I got my stuff arranged neatly on my desk, the bell rang and class begun.


English period was now over and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it'd be, he kept periodically glancing at me every few minutes and to say I didn't like it would be a lie. Unfortunately for me, this man still seemed to be the sexiest thing alive to me. I still liked him without a doubt even though he was probably screwing Peter.


After school, I went home and was met with my mom who looked very disturbed.

"Mom what's the matter?" I asked and she told to sit down, which I did.

"Can you tell me what the problem is?" I asked and she sighed and sat next to me.

"What?" I asked and she slowly brought out her phone and showed me a video she received from an unknown number. I played the video and watched every second with both anger and sadness clawing at my brain. It was a video of me trying to seduce Mr Kendrick and it ended right before he pulled me back and shot rape eyes at me.

"Mom I can explain" she remained silent motioning for me to start explaining but I was tongue tied.

"Sam is this why you don't have a boyfriend? It's teachers now?" She asked as tears teased her pale green eyes.

"Mom it's not what it looks like" I said desperately as she began sobbing quietly.

"Mom I..." I said but she cut me off.

"Did you or did you not try to seduce him?" Her voice was shaky as she spoke.

"Mom it's...." she yelled this time.

"Answer me!"

"Yes" I muttered as my eyes were glued to the floor.

"Why?" She said calmly this time.

"I..can't tell you" I said and she immediately got up.

"So you mess with teachers now?" She asked and I looked up at her face as tears rolled down her eyes while I remained silent.

"I am very disappointed in you Samuel" she only ever calls me by my full name whenever she was either really mad or really disappointed.

"Do you even know what could happen, he could lose his job and probably his family" she said as tears slowly rolled down her cheek.

"Go to your room, you're grounded" she said and I silently but hesitantly obeyed.

As I jogged up the stairs, she called out to me one more time.

"You will apologize to him and make sure none of this ever happens again" she sternly said.

"Yes mom" I muttered loud enough so she could hear me.

I then continued and stopped only after I locked my room door behind me. I then let out a heavy breath followed by a deep groan. I stomp my way to my bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror and I see a few tears rolling down. I angrily wipe them away and head back to my room.

That kid is gonna pay

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